Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where Can I Get Good Socks?


By Rafael Inocente

The last days of the presidential elections have been particularly excremental for those who consider ourselves non-colonial subjects. A horror film based on true events which means the pass to the second round of a gang of criminals renamed Force 2011-a group that should be banned for common crimes (burglary, conspiracy to commit a crime, false generic, drug trafficking, money money, etc.) and crimes against humanity (torture, murder, genocide, disappearances, etc.) committed its most conspicuous representatives- adds considerable moral debacle of the so-called sector middle class in these sewers arrejuntarse idleness social networking sites. This middle-class sector, bluntly accomplice of theft, murder, immorality and the appalling vulgarity of Fujimori unmasked, is preparing to vote in second round by the Daughter of the thief and have been renamed by the popular talent as PPKeikos (PPK + Keiko Fujimori).

Quchinski, losing in the first round against Ollanta Humala, has prepared its own national agreement and exhibits his idiotic grin and his forked tongue to ridicule the people that he has repudiated, trying to impose its own plan to Ollanta Humala, supposedly to ensure "democracy", "Order" and "progress" when its sole purpose is to alienate Humala against public opinion and support the criminal gang Force 2011.

On Saturday night a feverish PPK presided over a "meeting" in Miraflores, surrounded by an anemic petulant youngsters cut pay universities (those bastards kept their old expressed in Newspeak surfer-facebook-Spanglish- amiguex and use two phones with impunity, the PPKeikos), calling for the formation of a political movement (the games suck, said very confident), forgetting that his candidacy was bolstered by an opportunistic mush, but mainly by the eternal losers of PPC, a lump-funded right-wing filofascista controversial racers and proven criminal intelligence advisers.

But what happens in Peru? What level of abjection cholo middle-class has come to make you an American court to know? What protects the immense power shell Quchinski to blackmail the winning vote orienting toward Fujimori lumpen? The silence of the so-called civil society and expresses the complicity of the media in the face of this affront, is unacceptable and outrageous.

Where are the professional bodies, where the representatives of that vaunted civil society? Some out there are horrified by Humala for alleged human rights violations, but they forget that the judge threatened San Martín, the same as Kenya Fujimori was sentenced to Ollanta who acquitted for the alleged crimes of my Mother, then why the hell these ladies stopped his tongue when the dictatorship imposed by the Japanese and his gang, when they killed, raped and disappeared? Because if we talk of amending the Constitution, the thief was the first Japanese changed that to perpetuate, and steal with impunity. Where were the Christian Democrats? Filthy rich, bloated like a pig ... responds La Polla Records.

Quchinski's great merit is to have co-opted a youthful teen body neurons, a shutout for the money mass and Mayami trips, accustomed to the abject from earliest childhood. That mass middle-class and mediocrity in architecture apartment on neighborhoods Rhodesian immoral, moths Birth "window, screaming insults ethnic and class, this mass is whore displaying her bestial vulgarity supporting economic hitman Polish name, but the same peat- jockey-plaza is unable to argue why you voted the kind of "mood gringo" whose political career borders on dishonesty darker as early as when he was thirty years fled north across the border hidden in the trunk of a car, after faithfully serving the International Petroleum Company, the U.S. transnational exploded our wealth for fifty years without paying a cent of taxes and was later pardoned by the first government of Belaunde in the famous case of Page 11.

Before the first round, the American brand PPK, in an attempt to capture vote of the marginal urban sectors, declared his intention to pardon the convict Kenya Fujimori, imprisoned 25 years for convicted murderer and 8 years thief. Or why did the votes of the deepest Peru.

No wonder then than now, this boorish clown blatantly support the DAUGHTER of the thief, nor is unusually clumsy attack the media for Ollanta Humala. The media, those stinking drains of neoliberalism, and the children of Putiferio mariconada, trying to tidy up your speakers functional degradation (Jaime de Althaus, Raul Vargas, Aldo Mariátegui, Beto Ortiz, Rosa Palacios, Augusto Thorndike), nail biting mad interviewing political analysts and economists paid impostors experts scare the people by inventing bogeymen to manipulate popular will and favor the criminal gang led from jail.

What country is this where an agent of big business savvy announces full support for the daughter of a convicted accomplice of a thief and a murderer, a criminal who destroyed the country and all the evidence would own more than 1200 million, resulting from the systematic theft of state funds in the form hormiga1 as Vladimiro Montesinos denounced his buddy? Have we lost all pride of country, race, class?

PPK, as American as Robber's Daughter is a subject of Japan, pursuant to standing principle of jus sanguinis (blood right) ¬ Japan, seeks to impose its own national consensus against the anomie of the so-called civil society and the silence of the colonized. An American and a Japanese shit on our heads and we used to the smell of shit, confuse fragrance with pestilence. After all, the Peruvian is noble, after all, ours is the homeland of all bloods and we have no identity because we all, as said a confused today Vargas Llosa, whose family has not been saved from the insolence of idle infesting social networks.

What is the moral of this PPK, representing the international banking outlaw when he says with absolute effrontery intended to pardon a thief and murderer who disgraced a generation and stole the public purse more than fourteen billion DÓLARES2?

What is the moral of the people who voted in the mark PPK and Thief's Daughter and today make this cake called PPKeikos mephitic? Respond

great old César Lévano in the editorial of The First of April 18, denouncing the thought of the Southern Command in complicity with the parasites that dominate our country: relation to elected politicians, says the "willing to corrupt the Almost all those who aspire to elected office, "arguing that" the inclination is necessary to maintain U.S. hegemony. "

For ourselves, the Southern Command diagnosed that "the vast majority of Peruvians are not concerned about the interference of foreign powers in the country's political progress, nor are offended against corruption, it is a" culture abject, real spectrum of the political moment is coming and that will take into account when examining the new budding electoral process. "

This is the result of decades of economic liberalism: the villainy of much of the people, proud supporter of the cacosmia and shame. A morally bankrupt town, a petty bourgeoisie ignorant and racist, a parasitic ruling class and disgustingly vile: that is Peru today.

A week ago, an Egyptian court dissolved and banned the political party of the dictator Mubarak, in order to prevent the millions of dollars they stole, let their son ran for president. The enraged people set fire to the premises of the party and lynched their heads, like Force 2011, embody the corruption, abuse of power and armed assault. In Peru, however, the Fujimori used the millions he stole in eleven years to promote children's politically thief and, in complicity with the establishment Creole reapoderarse State.

In our country there is no progress or development without justice. That is a fallacy invented by economists criminal disposition refugee figures and sinecures. In Peru there is misery and a pseudo-liberal dictatorship for twenty years. The mentioned international reserves are the product of privatization receipts, "growth" due to free-looting of raw materials, salaries have been frozen for more than ten years and 65% of workers are sub-proletarianized. Neoliberal digits do not eat: they are misery for the great majority and hunger and shame forever.

But the lion and woke up. And boiling with rage.

ant 1 Bandwidth: The prosecutor argued that this money Ugaz Fujimori remains hidden in "tax havens." This information was reinforced by the former legislator Anel Townsend, who chaired a commission that investigated the Congress bank movements of Fujimori and Montesinos. "The Asian financial system has all this time protected by Fujimori, never allowed their accounts to be investigated. It is proven that he would take the country with money and packages sent overseas parcels passing them off as anything else, "said Townsend.
On Thursday 20 December 2001 the committee chaired by Daniel Estrada: Montesinos said Fujimori had its own pool of money. "There was a roll of money in a form of ant, for example, every time Mr. Fujimori brought Japanese for tourism, all these people were taking money on the subject and that ant and Juana Rosa drove it to Mr. Fujimori Aritomi (...) He has been a work area where it has moved in a compartmentalized way with me, a procedure that could detect, "said Montesinos.

2 This is the total cost of corruption in 1990-2000, the average annual cost is 1500 million dollars. Include what you stole Kenya Fujimori, Montesinos and Intelligence Ministries of Interior and Defence, Military Pension Fund, Armed Forces and its Partners, Joy Way, Miyagusuku and its partners, the repurchase irregular external debt, privatization, banking bailout (Wiese, Latino, NBK, New World, etc. .)
Sources: Congress, Commission of Inquiry 2001, Manuel Dammert 2001, Transparency International, etc


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