Photo: Felipillo Toledo with his hands in the dough, patting and paying homage to the American flag.
I can not write the elections while being eschatological (talk about politics so requires and deserves.) Therefore, we say that democracy is a foul sty whose best interest is to produce smear shit and put everything in its path. Urinary politicus this does not give a damn large majorities or starving, retirees, housewives, the forgotten (Buñuel), etc., Etc. The only valid (for them) is to convince (us) that without politics there is no destiny, no life and nothing. They are the inventors of the realm of things (as the "Jehovah's Witnesses") and as owners and masters of their feud, they, culiparados everyone into submission, they will decide our fate in a vase.
In fact, it takes the effort of a yawn to realize that voters are just cannon fodder, the deluded to legitimize the powerful and who will pay the homage of his work as enslaved peoples plusválico by the Incas first, and by the English, later. Politicians are the snake oil salesmen or soap operas, have understood, in a sort of hiperataraxia, that the best business of their lives is getting boring politicians, and not only say what was stolen, bribes, nepotism, or the little business the bullshit politicking, but above it is shielded with immunity. And if the fate of the Tinka thee with a chair or in the worst case, with a cushy positions of sidekick, because "you did it", we now have diplomatic bag and you get everything you want, from gold ( as Fujimori) to drug huacos not endorsed by the INC or paintings of the Cuzco school, or mummies (as Eliane Karp) or whatever, let's not forget that you have a not inconsiderable salary, but compared to all the lobbyists, the endowments, the gifts, presents and many more that just get you in the pocket, then, simply, the pay is nothing and "money comes alone" (Alan García Dixit).
This is the reason why the electoral circus is assembled to herd the cattle stamped their hooves on a ballot to vote and free card that will give a poor devil to govern the lives of other poor devils. So they compete vermin of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie versus the cockroaches of the comprador bourgeoisie, to which they have come to the fore an accommodative seudoburguesía squealing like rats and has been spit small media encumbrances of life (which Andy Warhol called within 5 minutes of fame) the catapulted into politics by the intrapediculosis television or the permanent cojudización pounding as a result of the War Fourth Generation (subtle mastery of the mind of the weak, those who question this new type of aggression against the people, the question itself is symptomatic of psychological resistance and their have been due).
These "fair" electoral nothing is right, whatever is managed and choreographed and doomed to lose the only tautologically and 10m/sg freefall is the people. But let us ask what government is almost bicentennial country, headless and rotting, it has done something for the majority, apart from requiring further work, raise taxes, lower wages, removing benefits to retirees, seudoleyes fooled (as of the Fonavi), adjust the whip on the backs of the workers and to put boots on the necks of the strikers and other protesters. Nothing is what you would expect from a "fair" election. Let us have no illusions or believe that a lesser evil is a euphemism for something good or beneficial. Do not believe the vote for Pepito Palotes or Chito Luchito going to make it safe. The octopus of transnational corporations and the bourgeoisie cannibal and pull the strings of his puppets and ventriloquists speak for them. And to ensure this have their retinues, fixed mercenaries praetorian forces that will enforce the laws of blood and fire, there have Tacnazo, the moqueguazos, the Baguazo, ETC. etc. (Including the killing of Yslay executed a couple of days by the APRA government once again has shown what he can do well: kill).
supposed that this article was to discuss the candidates and I was on a mission to expunge or skinning propaedeutic one by one to the poultry, but when I try to talk about each one of them, when I try to catch them peak or the tail, it seems he was talking the other and thus a set of mirrors is to finish talking about a single candidate, a single thief who has sold his soul to the devil (read Empress). Then you find that behind every rogue behind of those who want to steal our mineral plunder reserves (which now appear to be many, to bring to the IMF), carried the mummies, absorbing the gas, cut down our trees, take our water (EU already declared the Amazon River as a heritage of humanity, what a Christian means that when there was no water coming through it with UN troops or marines, that simple) etc.., etc., behind all this carnage is imminent capitalist hyenas, jackals of imperialism , the vultures of the national bourgeoisie trying to legalize their misdeeds hold elections to continue the historic farm and herd the livestock before taking them to slaughterhouse. Thus
scavengers gather expectantly beside the body. Going from less to more to see if we can distinguish some differences, at least for that then do not say that there was no reason not to vote for this or that "candidate"
"First, Alejandro Toledo, ignorance incarnate son of rustlers and based on that little phrase of the eighteenth century laissez-faire, let "(" laissez faire, laissez passer ") or, which is the same: Do nothing, justified its larval stage in the Government Palace. The "Harvard Cholo" refused to repeal the 1993 and Fujimori Vladiconstitución closely with PPK were devoted to cheating Camisea contracts with the ultimate aim of selling gas to Chile instead of using it in our own development, for if you have not noticed, they give a damn. Let us not forget that in the course of the Four beginner Toledo, Lazarillo de Thorman in politics, he stole a million dollars from Soros. Lumpen family also ordered a contract killing where the head visible, "the cholo healthy and holy", has been involved in several scandals including a rape case that has been arrested in that toilet called "judiciary." The last pearl of Toledo is that he knows how to explain the contribution of the Brazilian multinational Construcoes Camargo Correa to his campaign. We still remember with nausea refusal to sign his daughter Mudpie and behave as a parent and not as miserable.
-Pedro Pablo Kuczinski (PPK or PPKK), a gringo with a Peruvian passport, an alien identity card, has managed companies that have been gnawing teeth of cadmium in this country. His wife does not speak a word in English, so the have conveniently hijacked. At the same time is one that, apart from lobbyist unfair to our interests, has held the post of minister to oppress, steal, break and suppress the people, Minister of Energy and Mines of 28 July 1980 to 3 August 1982. Minister of Economy and Finance July 28, 2001 to July 11 2002. Minister of Economy and Finance February 16, 2004 to August 16, 2004. President of the Council of Ministers of 16 August 2005 to July 27, 2006.
Its main laws are the spit to reduce taxes on oil companies in 2001, the privatization of electricity companies in Arequipa that caused the "Arequipazo" in 2002. To this we must add the 20530 law that cuts the right of pensioners in 2004 and laws for the export of gas and the top of Camisea in 2006.
In a last apparition on TV (at the urinal called Magaly Medina) showed us his true face and its true "academic" reached After thrive in the state: that of a baboon.
-Castañeda, a nobody whose tip of the iceberg is the case Comunicore. Have you had a stinking way by the public sector as in the case of the Municipal of Toll (EMAP) and the Peruvian Institute of Social Security where he participated in the IPSS negotiated CARD that never came to give the insured, flouting them separate services boosted leaving it empresaurios and operators what they should be administered. Let's not forget that in the bankruptcy of the Fisherman's Benefit Fund (crime unpunished) and the case and the case Metropolitan Comunicore are under investigation because of serious irregularities. It is a political corpse and electoral coma is an irrefutable truth.
-Higuchi Keiko Fujimori, the mental disemboweled with money stolen from the poor of this country became an education that is not helpful at all (just enough to hear her speak). The same ex-minister Carlos Bologna Fujimori stated in the 08-2002 Record followed in the "Fujimori": "With the assistance of Keiko Fujimori took the decision to protect the Adviser to the SIN, Vladimiro Montesinos, and seek asylum in Panama" .
Their sole mission is to liberate known his father, the murderer and thief Kenya Fujimori. He is currently married to a ne'er-do North American products to just speaks two words in English. As a congressman has reported 405 absences in 5 years. Believe that speaking well of his trainer and tamer Fujimori will convince the great majority of which has seduced the silver (which we stole) to paint their houses orange (especially in the hills around Lima).
People accompanying this Japanese / American (Italian American by the husband) are the same hyenas, harpies and part of teratology that caused genocide, castration and misery to our country, handing on a silver platter to the savage capitalism that no qualms about eating what's left of the country.
-of Ollanta Humala I do not talk or in any case, not repeating what others say. It ends up being the least bad of all options, almost equal to the Vote No Vote or flawed. Curiously, in the media and social networks Ollanta has come to mean: Venezuela, poverty, cholo, communism, militarism, social resentment, etc., Etc., And that ironically is what is causing the rise in the polls favor. The poison communication and is not harmful and cause the opposite. The more attack Ollanta Humala reviving, for example, the case "Madre Mia" (in the government of Fujimori) and accusing him to have a Rolex with diamonds, or his or her alleged homophobia old mentality monkey can not draw logical ideas without leaving a written paper, more will have to regret his victory in the first round and maybe in the second.
In my case I have only two candidates the Vote and Vote No Vice (no white vote, that favors the winning or ombudsmen completed for assholes). If we can still trust (we can not trust at all, fraud is coming) in Article 184 concerning Invalidity of Elections: "The National Election Board declares the invalidity of an election, referendum or other referendum when the votes invalid or blank, together or separately, over two thirds of the votes cast (...). "
As I said in another article, I am paying fines for years and I have clean hands to write what I write.
See you in the second round.
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