Auqui Basilio, effective partner in this space, send me following article (read the call "Care" located on the right side of page):
The clown ass Jaime Bayly Letts, Aldo M. filth uncut and say dumb politically correct the Murderer's Daughter Fujimori is innocent because he was a minor when his father committed the outrages for which he was convicted, what has brought it considered among the most corrupt rulers SEVEN IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET by Transparency International. A memo
Gustavo Faverón rather adds to this lie by rhythmic fujimontesinistas mass media, when he says that the problem of Fujimori mafia clan is genes or family (FILI), but membership, admission, admission to the delinquency of fujimontesinismo neoliberal club.
To this is added the ring of the sachaburguesía intelectualillos lorcha Westernized. All of these idiots claim as the sheep that Fujimori is not a matter of filiation, if not affiliation, to whitewash the corruption embodied in the family ignoble.
And where is the karma, gentlemen, that old law of action and reaction, as claimed by the Eastern sages? Where the controversial memes, personal example, learning by imitation, the spoken, written, blowjob, in a Japanese home acriollado and accustomed to deception and resiliency? Dawkins, Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene explains clearly how memes can even overcome the genes and survive for generations to complete, something never achieved by a gene. Faverón
as lorcho Jew and Zionist, should know better than anyone. His hypothesis on the fact that the daughter of a CONVICTED CRIMINAL, MURDERER AND ROBBER not predispose you to robbery, murder, fraud, long time is a matter of opinion, even challenged by recent findings of notable geneticists and ethologists (in the 2008, a team of scholars at the University of North Carolina discovered the presence of three genes, interrelated violence and crime, which is manifested mediated by stress).
What's called original sin? Why should Christians cleaned of sin (sic) committed by Adam when Eve was seduced by a voluptuous Calata? Why baptize their kids, if not to free them from original sin inherited from Adam's grandfather?
In the Bible itself states that the children and grandchildren will pay for the guilt of their parents and grandparents, because imputed guilt from father to son, hence his grandson, the grandson and the grandson tetra: 4 generations, according to Exodus 20:5.
Christ himself, when drove the merchants from the temple were called "brood of vipers", it is understood the curse to a people accustomed to baseness and cowardice.
When the Roman Pontius Pilate was convinced that the mob, the crowd and the Jewish authorities would not forgive an innocent Jesus and instead cried, Crucify him, crucify him, commitment to Christ and runs to wash their hands, the style of the Hebrew tradition, while the Jewish crowd cries out, THAT YOUR BLOOD FALLING ON OUR HEADS AND ON THAT OF OUR CHILDREN AND OUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN.
That same Jesus, called Christ, in his last public speech, reminded the Jews that they had shed much innocent blood throughout history, "from the righteous Abel to Zechariah" (Mt 23.33-36). Why Jesus appointed these two characters? Is that Abel was the son of Adam and Eve, Cain killed his brother. And Zacharias was a famous priest of Jerusalem, the ninth century BC, which have been encouraged to denounce the immorality in which the Israelites lived, was stoned to death in the courtyard of the Temple. Zacharias died saying: "That the Lord see it and ask them accountable" (2 Chr 24.20-22).
Did Jesus not say at that time that the entire history of the Jewish people, from first to last book of the Bible, was stained crimes and innocent deaths? And that blood cried out to heaven (Gen. 4.10), demanding retribution. So the sermon ended with a haunting phrase: "I tell you all this fall on this generation" (Mt 23.36), namely Christ himself cursing an entire race of conduct controversial to say the least, through the history of mankind.
If this is so, then why exculpate Keiko Fujimori for his filiation (parents, brothers, uncles, godparents, media bought by his father and his godfather Vladimiro Kenya, all that determines the memetic learning) in addition to MEMBERSHIP proven complicity, integration, incorporation, intake, initiation, with the gang that took over from Peru for eleven years and STOLE the fabulous figure FOURTEEN BILLION DOLLARS?
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