Sunday, April 24, 2011

Kidney Stones Sleeping On Side


I have written several friends and readers, even friends who only know virtually, but I know they are there, behind the panel, concerned about what happens in this country. They all ask me to moderate and be "disciplined", "respectful" and "tolerant" with the current political situation in the country divided between Fujimori and ollanteros. My simple and straightforward answer is NO, never moderaré me or try to do, that would be a betrayal or an insult to the memory of thousands of Peruvians still hope to achieve justice. In any case, that moderate those who have not lived in this country poultry or pigs that were or are shielded by money and lived or live in houses with trellises Rhodesian peripherals and electric fences, closed streets and redoubled vigilance, and studying at universities in the oligarchy with European conventions and secured work outside of our country and away from our reality, or the children of high officials that there was no risk (at least not in this part of the official state) because when I asked for documents on police raking taught the military family license (up to the card's Club "Potao" served) and more problems. For those of us happened to be in the village and spectacular slaughter and destruction of a country in the hands of a criminal with red star and white handkerchief or koseki and mounted on tractor, things were always different.

Forced to run so we would not take the "cam" or forced to get off at the Central Road for being young and having the stigma of college (which is why I had to leave University Enrique Guzmán y Valle, La Cantuta, when the slaughter was a rumor sung and imminent). And because the fight against the tyrant did ordinary youth, who organized and gave us strength to that movement in which he clinched the jerk of Toledo, who stole one million dollars to Soros, and then called "March of the 4 Yours." We do not just get dirty hands and feet in the fight against a government-like assassins (and not others with their hands painted white shouted to the walls of a shopping mall and wanted to capitalize on popular discontent to justify income from any oenegiento or any partiducho filthy famished sclerotic and no pictures), not just melee face of repression by the friends of civil construction, port workers, longshoremen of La Parada, workers and retirees who had nothing to lose or housewives whose arms were empty buckets and pots. And we were evacuated to death countless times, in the Plaza de Armas, in the passage Olaya (which almost turned into a slaughterhouse in 1997) in The Hive, in the Plaza Dos de Mayo, or the Plaza San Martín, center popular conspiracy unmasked and cry instead of the provincial revolt. And to crown our dissent before the tyrant, were arrested and taken to state security and beaten and tortured to confess we did not know, while those who acted for protesters took out their passports or hid in their houses to see reality through the TV or "created" a decadent art with vibrant colors, but with an aesthetic and ethical opacity counter (there are an example to the Natalia Iguiñiz with photos of employers and employees, where it appears her own maid, but she, the patron-artist, hypocritically excludes reading, embarrassed by the apparent remnants of slavery and / or feudalism) which has since wanted to be the soundtrack visual a trap for fools and that time is getting repeated. The "art by the report "is not just a black vomit that wants to become an object of contemplation and only makes the mockery and the repudiation of those who suffered first hand the brutal repressive violence. There can be" art of memory "or anything seems, if first there was no redress social and civil compensation to all victims of the civil war. The real art of memory will remain anonymous in these "facilities" of more than 6 000 graves and over 70 thousand victims do not want the colorfully painted but we keep alive in our memories, as they were, so that this atrocity will not happen again.

Also many friends during this terrible time for the republican history of this country, fell under the bullets and violence instituted by the State. I myself studied with Melissa Alfaro, and fellow journalist who flew to pieces with a plastic explosive in 1991, the same as that used in the Navy transporter of slaves, Miguel Grau, and shared folder with Huillca Flor, whose father, CGTP leader, Pedro Huillca, was killed by Alberto Fujimori in order to blame the PCP-SL and justify the raid being carried out in the mountains south of our country applying the theories of "Gaucho" Cisneros Vizquerra , who had proposed killing sixties with the idea that even one being a terrorist. I was part of the friends who were with Flower when the attack happened. And a friend of several of those who disappeared or were jailed for stupid things that make you laugh now, but that once were the grounds of tears and anger and helplessness. A friend was in the Castro Castro for a photo with the birthday cake for her daughter had red candles, and another friend spent 6 years for possessing books Mariátegui and Cesar Vallejo (I still remember the exhibition of visual poetry that we make with other writers from the defunct ANEA at the National University of Engineering, in 1991 and in which ordinary soldiers pointed their rifles us wondering who is Cesar Vallejo?). Perhaps the clearest case was that of artist Alfredo Márquez (who helped with the scenery in the presentation of Kaos Symphony in 1994), which was almost 4 years in the Castro Castro paint the mouth with Mao Tse Tung rouge . Mao himself painted by Andy Warhol and massified, who had been killed or imprisoned for life if he was born in Peru (see "Counter" of the American documentary filmmaker Ann Kaneko dealing Peruvian artists during the Fujimori dictatorship.) Because the old state was never able to differentiate between a "terrorist", a leftist, a dissident, an environmentalist or an anarchist. We see it today and we realize that this is not going to change, rather it will worsen, I just hope that the Gaussian curve is wrong.

For all this, there can be no moderation in my language or my adjectives against those who murdered in cold blood and destroyed the dreams of thousands of young people, against those who lambaste democracy, law and order, the people , human rights and any possibility of peaceful coexistence and the desire to get away, once and for all, of barbarism. And against those who now, against all odds of Senamhi, try to be the black cloud that rains on the head caudally to this country as cardboard forced to float in the sewers of human misery. If

not like the truth or the way the truth is told, "because then they can find another blog or other spaces where you tell lies, tricks and half truths. I'm old for euphemisms or beating around the Master delicatessen writer who does not hit anyone for no longer receive the perks under the table, such as Caiaphas cretins who whisper on one side and the other to benefit from friendships interest because always try the "golden mean", "not with God or the devil," "neither cold nor hot," "neither fish nor fowl", etc., etc. Or the hypocrisy of the hack that worked for a dunghill reactionary as El Comercio (the same as today moved its Cards and reintegrated into their ranks as the fujimontesinismo black) and never said anything against the dictatorship when he had the opportunity, and now throws styrofoam stones from a blog system for people moderate and pasteurized do not know how do not to vote for the Daughter of the Thief and Murderer, and not vote, in turn, by a cholo cop whose phenotype is not consistent with what they think they see in the mirror.

repeat: Here there is no "moderation."



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