On 6 April, several students of the course "Introduction to Archaeology," taught by archaeologist Maria Victoria Martínez de la Torre, had an opportunity to meet privately with the underwater archaeologist Claudio Lozano and Geologist Juan Antonio Morales, to discuss their research on the possible location of Atlantis in the Donana area. Students could be accompanied by some friends interested in the issue. For my part, I invited Raul Ortega Jungian psychotherapist, attorney Paco Martinez and young journalism student Lourdes Gomez, the three parties in riddles and historical myths. The grand meeting was held at the Faculty of Experimental Sciences, University of Huelva. Dr. Lozano presented to us at premiere the documentary "Finding Atlantis" (Finding Atlantis), as both he and Dr. Morales has served on the National Geographic team , whose documentary will be released in Spain next June. In the recording I made of the meeting is the full documentary (in English), complemented with interesting explanations of both specialists, who kindly responded to questions put to them by the audience. The lively conversation continued for hours, off campus and, in a great atmosphere of camaraderie and exchange of experiences and anecdotes related to archeology and related issues. Does foundation myth of Atlantis? What has been found beneath the waters of Doñana? Is there any chance that a new tsunami devastates the coasts Huelva? ...
can already see the video posted on the blog by Raul Ortega:
can already see the video posted on the blog by Raul Ortega:
http://www.odiseajung.com/blog-jung-odisea/2011/04/tsunamis-en-japon -Cadiz-Huelva-and-the-Atlanta-along-the-wire /
Lourdes Gomez has also blogged an excellent chronicle of Event:
Lourdes Gomez has also blogged an excellent chronicle of Event:
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