(I write this short article to "exit polls, a result that places Ollanta Humala and Keiko Fujimori as the two accecitarios to the second round. It should be noted that the first report of ONPE, given a few minutes before eight o'clock Sunday night, places like winners and Kuczinski Ollanta ¿¿??. Suspicions and, of course, cards under the table will have to move to stop the advance Humala and the electoral chances of defeating them. Kuczinski has more support and fewer votes retiscentes and greater opportunity to defeat Ollanta in a runoff. Right Jurassic and traitors - in shameful coalition - has to ensure its success with democracy or not. We'll see how it evolves.)
With Humala and Keiko 31.3% to 23.2% the chances of reaching the two-thirds vote null and flawed to revoke an election (by law) in the second round, are practically impossible. In this black scenario we just choose who represents the cancer, AIDS and leprosy: Keiko Fujimori; and who represents a 43 degree fever, influenza, cholera, tuberculosis, fulminant broncho: Ollanta Humala. Voting no or flawed in this case is just an act of honor, a wash hand to Pontius Pilate, or perhaps an act that analistoides called "political correctness." Still, whatever they say (especially those flatterers of sachacapitalismo cry at the last minute, desperate for a protest vote for the June 5) now more than ever to vote or not to reject the political vote also means the rejection of a system decadent not just rot.
However, for those who insist on believing in the democratic trap and keep a head amphora, we must remember that the two will define who gets the throne of Pizarro (the toilet infectious accustomed to the buttocks of the tyrant) have a vow of resistance, but the lines of force and the vicinity of programs and ideology "(This little word is just a compliment), making it likely that those who voted for PPK, Toledo and Castaneda Lossio endorse your vote Keiko, the daughter of the thief murderer, consummating the right black sellout plan to continue to thrive on the backs and people's work, and continue the historical undermining the meat grinder started 500 years ago.
The possibility that the reptile Alberto Fujimori, through de su engendro Keiko, vuelva a gobernar este corral de chanchos no sólo significa volver a dispararle a los asesinados en La Cantuta o Barrios Altos, o volver a echarle cal a esas 6 mil fosas comunes (cuyos cadáveres siguen brotando de la tierra señalando con el dedo a sus victimarios) o volver a premiar al grupo Colina o devolver a sus cargos a todos esos homúnculos farsantes que desde esa cloaca congresal decían que los cantuteños se habían autosecuestrado o cuando se les ponía a investigar los chuponajes telefónicos no encontraban nada y nada sabían porque ellos mismos eran parte de toda esa vendetta en que se transformó el país con aquel chinito montado en un tractor que nos prometió honradez-tecnología y trabajo, and gave us crimes against humanity, corruption, theft, looting of state coffers, castration massive cardboard schools are falling apart, and more shit to keep swimming in the same shit we were and where we if we choose a Fujimori.
On 5 June, the day of the second round, they will vote with toilet paper in his hand.
We'll keep the same line.
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