Ignorance is very bold as we know, but if accompanied by a good dose of religious faith becomes quite dangerous. Just remember how they ended up so many philosophers and scientists, from Hypatia of Alexandria to Giordano Bruno, who had the bad fortune running into the Church and its followers. If we were in one of these scenarios pasts, Benedict XVI had sent to the stake for their heretical Stephen Hawking book Great design (Criticism, 2010). In his homily on Sunday January 6, Pope attacked the British astrophysicist to ensure that there is no need to call upon God to turn the equations and explain the origin of the universe. "The universe is not the result of chance, as some would have us believe" , said Ratzinger. He added: "We should not be limited to theories that always come up to a point and if we look closely, are not in competition with faith, but can not explain the ultimate meaning of reality ". Is it much more coherent explanation offered by the religion? I invite you to read first Genesis biblical and after Hawking's book, and you will see that science and faith itself are in full competition. And for one simple reason: because what the Bible proposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who created the universe at a given moment and in less than a week, in addition to child is the fruit of human imagination. Instead, it proposes Hawking's book is the result of a thorough and lengthy investigation cosmology based on the scientific method. "According to predictions of M-theory, our universe is not unique, but many other universes were created out of nothing. Its creation, however, does not require the intervention of any God or supernatural being, but a multitude of universes that arises naturally from the physical law: it is a scientific prediction ", Hawking said at the beginning of their exceptional work in which we provides a detailed overview of the most intriguing mysteries of modern cosmology and everything we know today about the laws of nature, focusing primarily on that longed Theory of Everything that would unify the four forces in one law compatible with theory quantum. And it seems that the great candidate is M-theory, unified theory that Einstein hoped to find. "Scientists must accept theories that are consistent with the experiments and not with our preconceived notions" , Hawking acknowledged.
Science is not against faith, but through their hard and committed work of observation, experimentation, testing, scenario approach and set of models, will rationally explaining issues that once were monopoly of religion, as is the origin of the universe and life. That legitimate quest for the truth that religion has back to scientific advancement. By being allegedly "attacked" react fiercely attacking religion to science. Previously, the Church burned at the stake to any scientist who dared to question the theological dogmas. Today, fortunately that's not happening. But the Church continues anathematizing scientists who postulate theories without taking into account and used this imaginary supernatural being called 'God', a powerful wildcard to cover the gaps that still exist in scientific knowledge (because if something is that science recognizes does not have answers for everything). Indeed, another major difference we found between science and religion, is that the first moves forward slowly, taking as a guide always doubt. His theories are not immutable and are constantly being reviewed for possible failures and replaced by more correct. And that dignity to science. Instead, religion is based on immutable dogmas. Cree have an absolute truth that nothing in the world can be challenging.
addition, the contribution of science to understanding the universe and our world has been extraordinary. What religion has helped in that regard? Absolutely nothing. That the pope question the Big Bang -a well-established scientific model since the astronomer Edwin Hubble observed in 1929 how galaxies away from each other and, especially, since in 1965 he discovered the cosmic microwave background, "or to ensure that this theory is lame if we take God's hands, demonstrating the irreparable damage that can lead to religious faith when provided in excessive doses. If the pope rejected scientific theories espoused by Hawking so brilliantly in his book co-authored with physicist Leonard Mlodinow, "really has a serious brain problem, obviously driven by their foolish religious beliefs have even paralyze their neurons. Denying scientific evidence simply because it contradicts the ridiculous theological positions (rather mythological), is to show fanatical and dogmatic stance. And this Pope is a good example. You can not expect otherwise from such inquisitor who is looking longingly toward Trento and deep suspicion of Switzerland, whose capital is the CERN, where attempts by the collision of protons to create the conditions for the formation of the universe some 13,500 million years (terrible heresy to the Church!).
Science is not against faith, but through their hard and committed work of observation, experimentation, testing, scenario approach and set of models, will rationally explaining issues that once were monopoly of religion, as is the origin of the universe and life. That legitimate quest for the truth that religion has back to scientific advancement. By being allegedly "attacked" react fiercely attacking religion to science. Previously, the Church burned at the stake to any scientist who dared to question the theological dogmas. Today, fortunately that's not happening. But the Church continues anathematizing scientists who postulate theories without taking into account and used this imaginary supernatural being called 'God', a powerful wildcard to cover the gaps that still exist in scientific knowledge (because if something is that science recognizes does not have answers for everything). Indeed, another major difference we found between science and religion, is that the first moves forward slowly, taking as a guide always doubt. His theories are not immutable and are constantly being reviewed for possible failures and replaced by more correct. And that dignity to science. Instead, religion is based on immutable dogmas. Cree have an absolute truth that nothing in the world can be challenging.
addition, the contribution of science to understanding the universe and our world has been extraordinary. What religion has helped in that regard? Absolutely nothing. That the pope question the Big Bang -a well-established scientific model since the astronomer Edwin Hubble observed in 1929 how galaxies away from each other and, especially, since in 1965 he discovered the cosmic microwave background, "or to ensure that this theory is lame if we take God's hands, demonstrating the irreparable damage that can lead to religious faith when provided in excessive doses. If the pope rejected scientific theories espoused by Hawking so brilliantly in his book co-authored with physicist Leonard Mlodinow, "really has a serious brain problem, obviously driven by their foolish religious beliefs have even paralyze their neurons. Denying scientific evidence simply because it contradicts the ridiculous theological positions (rather mythological), is to show fanatical and dogmatic stance. And this Pope is a good example. You can not expect otherwise from such inquisitor who is looking longingly toward Trento and deep suspicion of Switzerland, whose capital is the CERN, where attempts by the collision of protons to create the conditions for the formation of the universe some 13,500 million years (terrible heresy to the Church!).
Fortunately, despite the serious obstacles that continue to cause religious dogmas in the XXI century, science will continue to hit in his laudable aim to unravel the mysteries of the universe and life by the judicious use of reason. As pointed out by Professor Francisco Aguilar Pinal in his magisterial The chimera of the gods (Vision Books, 2010), which I will soon on this blog, it is extremely important "approach to science, that little by little we are lifting the veil of ignorance (sometimes spoiled) to approach a demonstrated truth, which illuminates the unexpected and new man, free from religious bondage ".
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