On Friday, the radio program "Limit Dimension" (station RK20), directed and presented by journalist David Cuevas, spent three hours by a special on the medium Anne Germain and Telecinco program "Beyond Life", which premiered on August 10 (and about which I have given my opinion in this blog). A team member "Limit Dimension", the historian Juan José Sánchez-Oro, managed to infiltrate the public attending the show Irreality , may direct witness of what's going on behind the scenes and the business that manages the medium. After the initial interview, which lasted nearly an hour and we could hear the hidden recordings obtained by the 'infiltration', the program continued with an interesting and dynamic discussion in which participated the clinical psychologist Eva Maria Muñiz, Manuel Carballal researcher and a server, offering our respective points of view before we can consider a full-scale assembly. In the final program, the writer Jesus Callejo also contributed his critical opinion on the subject.
Really contact Anne Germain with spirits or is it a blatant fraud? How much money does the medium for the program? Is there a family business behind? Why People are so receptive and excited so easily to these alleged messages from beyond ? Is there evidence that there is life after death? The intentions of the medium are they merely spiritual or profit? All this talk on "Limit Dimension" you can listen or download at the following link:
And if you want the program with better sound quality (128 Kbps):
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