Friday, January 21, 2011

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in my previous post I commented that he had arranged an interview with Francisco Aguilar Pinal, Doctor of Philosophy and Letters, to discuss his magnificent book THE CHIMERA OF THE GODS (Vision Books, 2010). Well, then transcribe the interview in its entirety. I hope it is of interest.

- I was greatly surprised his vast resume . Since his PhD in 1962 in Philosophy and Letters (Section of Romance Philology), his life has been fully committed to teaching and research. The many deserved awards, academic appointments, honors and awards he has received, supported a successful career, intellectual, literary and humanistic. How would you summarize his brilliant and well-used passage through this world? By the way, why this love so special to the eighteenth century? You are not in vain and honorary Member of the English Society for Eighteenth Century Studies ...

- "Do not be surprised. Fifty years is quite enough. Especially if it makes work a way of life, friendly and accepted because it has been imposed. Awards and honors are the consequence, if the job was done well. My dedication to history and literature of the eighteenth century was a university decision. I began my PhD and I was hooked so that I rarely come out of that path. The de Olavide Sevilla won me the award "City of Seville 'in 1965 and then be the only living author included in the' Sevillanos Classics Collection." The authors continued reading of eighteenth convinced me not only that this was the beginning of our modernity, but the change of mindset needed to reach the truth, buried for so many interested in keeping alive a history distorted by interest politicians. Upon my death, I will think I've made good use of the time allowed between one and nothing else. "

- Let's focus now on the occasion of this interview, which is talking about his extraordinary book THE CHIMERA OF THE GODS. The truth is that I enjoyed and learned a lot from reading it. It is a well documented work. Why consider it necessary to write a lengthy critical essay about religion? "It took a long time its development? I ask because I has attracted attention to the amount of scientific, historical, philosophical and theological includes, in addition to numerous references literature. That makes the chimera of the Gods a work especially enjoyable and rewarding for readers interested in general knowledge, apart from the line clearly rational and dignified demystifying the book even more content.

- "The French encyclopedists, especially the Baron d'Holbach, whose maximum head the chapters of my book, were the real battering rams of the search for truth in the thinking of the eighteenth century Europe. Rousseau's not cynical, nor Voltaire frivolous, as many think, whose anticlericalism is already outdated. With them, those who deny a church, but admit the existence of a Creator Being, stay on the surface the problem. After my library was enriched with scientific books, rather than philosophical, which opened my eyes to the falsity of all religions, a subject on which I decided to write when I retired from my historical research. That's what I've done in the past ten years. The fruit is the chimera of the Gods, Book I am particularly pleased that, with some irony, may be advised to be used as a textbook in seminaries. ES0 be the beginning of the 'bloodless revolution' that would change the mentality of humans ... something unthinkable, but encouraged to spread the "contagion" of TRUTH to those who have open eyes and ears of consciousness. My luck, like yours, has been living in a moment of history that dominates our society, freedom of expression. At other times our destination had been the fire. "

- In the preface he confesses he has found the 'light of truth' diametrically opposed to religious belief, adding that seeks to escape the oppressive 'cobwebs' church which prevented him until his last years living off the yoke of superstition. "oppressive and coercive Tan was in his youth the Catholic faith? Have not had another panoramic view that makes the religion?

- "What English educated in a Christian family has not felt these 'cobwebs' overwhelming and blinding? That's why my book with the subtitle saying quixotic' eyes do not see the heart does not break." It's so important and so little education and freedom! The key word is EDUCATION, which so obsessed the 'enlightened'. If the age of reason begins at age seven, as the psychologists say, in my case was much more later. Because there can not be right until the brain is shaken those damn 'fabrics spider ', so overwhelming to think, but as comfortable for those who do not want to think. Ignorance, if consensual, is the cause of mental retardation in humans prefer to go after the pastor, without considering whether they are on the right path. By contrast, curiosity is at the origin of any move towards truth and towards the encounter with happiness. Curious to find the truth of life, even demolishing sandcastles 'invented'. My awakening was painful, as I assume it will be to anyone who wants to get out of this viscous irrational attachment to teaching, preached from the naivety and ignorance (because I prefer not to attribute evil preachers, sheep fans without malice, living faith, an 'invention' to not go alone to the sky dream). "

- Are you finally released from the drug as harmful to a child and we inject we call 'religious faith'? What has been the personal and transferable process that has led him to atheism? "The scientific literature has been partly to blame?

-" A As I recall, my first big question was called resurrection, far more delusional if it is bodies that come to life. The doubts were multiplying as I read books 'banned' by those who are afraid of the letter printed. Philosophy books, but I was abandoning scientific books. I know, from Epicurus and Lucretius, the best philosophers have denied the existence of God, but it was pure intuition or logical deduction, but none could claim to be supported by scientific arguments. Or Kant, so well studied that reason, he wanted to deny God, neither Marx nor so many other atheists felt supported by science. However, since Darwin and Einstein, things changed, as have changed and will continue changing in the future, because Science is providing the necessary arguments to make something of divinity 'unnecessary', says Hawking. Scientists today continue daily neurological findings have no excuse anymore to believe in any god, is seen as one wants. There are no spirits. Neither God nor soul. It's a shame to reach these conclusions, which many will suffer, as I said, "but the truth must be scientific above all for happiness."

- You and I agree in that faith and reason can never go together. They are diametrically opposed worlds. What about those who, like Ratzinger, aim to combine science and religion or faith and reason? Is not foolhardy and a huge mistake?

- "Theologians are interested in this confusion. Seek to make religion something 'reasonable' when in reality the faith and reason are on opposite paths. For the triumph of faith in the brain, as Luther, we must destroy reason. By contrast, where reason prevails, the faith is unnecessary. Are two elements that can never be mixed, such as water, oil, and better, repel, as the electrons of the same sign. Those who claim otherwise do so for convenience, not conviction, much to brag of wisdom. It is so obvious I do not understand that someone may confess and defend intelligent otherwise live in error so happy! Something similar happens between faith and morals. It can be perfectly moral without being subjected to a faith that is no guarantee of virtuous living. Do you know the maximum fortiter Pecca Protestant, sed crede fortiter ? (Err much, but he believes a lot). The confession, where you can 'wash' the greatest crimes, is a perfect excuse for a believer without morals. "


- Tell us about animistic fallacy, that both X-ray in his book. From the ancient idea of \u200b\u200bthe soul on which the building is constructed of religions, philosophies idealistic spiritualism ... Has the biggest lie of mankind? What is invented 'sacred'?

- "The religious ideas of humanity form a chain which began the same day that a hominid ancestor of ours, trembled in terror from the incomprehensible to his surroundings, the hostile nature was sick and go to their loved ones that raged with fire, with winds and storms raged, he did die of hunger or cold, and recorded in his mind the maxim of survival: "You have to kill to live." Fear of the unknown made him imagine ' someone "who was responsible for much misery, who should pray to avoid all evils. 'Sacred', ie God, had their cause in fear. At the same time, man imagined that his mind must be something inside, other than his body, to which the first philosophers, Greek and Latin, called encourages (soul). These two spirits, the result of the brain evolved from primates, as invisible as imagined, that is, 'invented' almost simultaneously, are to blame for all religious errors of mankind. Then came other spirits 'invented', as the angels and demons, which have fed the human imagination, indelibly, but wrong. No spirit can exist outside of matter. That's what science tells me. "

- Can we justify in the XXI century, and a science so advanced cosmological issues, neurological and biological, belief in a Supreme Being we call God? No is really absurd to think of a supernatural world with the knowledge we've gained about life and the physical world, as evidenced in his work?

- "No scientist worth his salt can ignore the scientific breakthroughs that have occurred in the last half century, especially in the biological and neurological sciences, which are the most affecting religious ideas. No one doubts that the soul and conscience "are" (not "are" in) the brain. The man himself is, essentially, a brain whose functions are becoming better known, but dependent on a physical genes, inherited, and about cultural memes are learned during childhood and encouraged by the company interested in religion. Talk of a supernatural world is simply away of scientific knowledge and live in the realm of fantasy. "

- Freud said " Religion is a defense mechanism against the anxiety of death . So is it the fear that man's death continues what makes memes religious remain fully active? Never fails to remove the religious fantasies sound mature and take our inevitable finitude?

- "There will be full human being until they bend to the demands of reason, you to surrender everything that is not 'reasonable'. It is precisely the reason, winner of the imagination, the faculty that distinguishes us from animals, which we base all our actions. I'm human because I have the ability to reason. Until you get my order right and lead my life, I will be one more animal, sensitive, emotional slave to my genes and my memes, with feelings of love and hatred, irrational and uncontrollable. Precisely because I have no reason to fear death, because I know that after "nothing." Neither rewards nor punishments, neither heaven nor hell, doctrine, as invented as the gods, which has conditioned the life of man in the last four or five thousand years. Does not it seem a little odd that those very religious, believing in "another world" of happiness, are so afraid of death? "


- Our admired Richard Dawkins says he never left the Bible available to a child because a book is potentially dangerous. And you, in his book, talks about the blood shed in the name of God. Do you think that the sacred books were used to encourage and justify violence, division, bigotry and intolerance of men?

- "Books of the Bible is not to be dangerous is that they are (it is true that some more than others) a 'horror', as the God presented to the worship of their 'children' is a pit of evil, ordering his followers a crime after another, always spilling blood, "conquer" the land to its rightful owners killing. Is not is a story often repeated? The most incomprehensible is how this magic word "GOD" has penetrated the minds of humans and settled in it as the 'most damaging meme', that can not be eradicated without a superhuman effort, when we know that this assumption is Creator, as the 'invention' Bible, a Being greedy, fallible, vindictive, sadistic, insensitive, most people do not know that the 'own choice', ignoring all other peoples, but has gotten into the depths of conscience. It is a mystery to me incomprehensible that billions of humans worship a god of these characteristics. If it were worthy of admiration and love! I do not know other books, but of course, the Bible and the Koran are the spring that from the twelfth century, the Crusades, until today with Islamic Jihad, has bloodied the soil of our planet. The fanaticism of one and the other is so obvious that it is necessary to stress this fact, unworthy of God to preach. "

- A question that we are atheists now is whether or not Spain is secular and non-denominational, and defend our Constitution. How do you feel when observing the dominant role in our society still remains the Catholic Church is even getting enough money from the State? This can be call secular state?

- "The current English Constitution is secular, but 'not religious', as everyone knows. I defend ideological secularism (without the violence of the radicals), which claims to be neutral toward all religions, respectful all beliefs. Whoever attacks a practitioner of another religion can not be called secular. Because religion is individual, not collective (though the Bible always speaks of the salvation of a 'people', which shows that there is a political rather than religious book). Do not you preach that 'salvation' is individual, mine and mine alone and why, therefore, involve others? So in my book is not the subject of religion from a social point of view, but personal. Practice total secularism, based on respect for the dignity of others, would be the solution for coexistence and peace. "

- You say in your book: " ... the thousands of religions that are fighting the helpless heart ( forgiveness, mind) the poor homo sapiens sapiens, so insecure, impressionable and gullible, to which the adjective sapiens comes a bit wide ". Why does the man on the street lacks scientific culture and continues to act credulous and superstitious How could change this situation so that at last man is interested strongly by the scientific and behave more rationally ?

- "To get to secularism seems to me that there is no way that science. Not just a 'feeling' more or less profound rejection of the church. Anticlericalism is something stale, like atheism 'sentimental '. You have to spin finer and deeper into the discoveries of science, we are saying what are the solutions to the mystery of life. The first step, however, is the desire to know the truth. But an act is required will, as to leave a dangerous addiction. should be encouraged among scientists the need to publicize the new findings, especially in neurology. Still, most people do not want to know anything for advances, preferring the doctrine learned lip compact 'with authority', because they recognize no authority from the God that they themselves created. If only you could separate the credulity of violence! "


- As you know, I have been interested since my youth in the study and investigation of paranormal topics, UFO and other mysteries. What about those issues surrounding knowledge? Do you think that there are phenomena still elude scientific understanding or thought rather than everything is the fruit of the imagination, hallucinations and fraud?

- "A bit of everything. The imagination, then as now, makes us see things impossible. There involuntary hallucinations, but also very volunteers fraud. You have to know the difference. I think over time it will clarify the mysteries that still move us today. Of course, no UFOs or aliens (if any) have to do with any god or any spirit. The possible existence has nothing to do with religion. Many times, however, I thought that the magic that amazes me so much, would explain many miracles. But not all. Life, from its origin, is a collection of mysteries, which form the basis for the believers in a deity. I myself am confused with two 'mysteries' that science has not yet managed to explain. The first is the oui-ja . As I do not believe in spirits, or living or dead, I consider it a fraud, especially when talking about 'mocking spirits. " But an experience I witnessed many years ago, I was shocked. The vessel ran on the table, looking for letters to give meaning to the phrase, answering seriously and sense to regard was wondering ... A impact, he came to impress when it came time to ask questions whose answer I did not know any of those present. After a few days to verify the accuracy of responses. Since then I have not wanted to repeat the experience, and I have to admit that someone's brain is present to move the vessel. The second of the mysteries that puzzle me is that of the 'circles' of wheat and maize crops in many lands and places. It is impossible to human fraud. The pins are not bent by any being at ground level. Or from above or below. That is, either by works of strange creatures on this planet, or a magnetic effect of the interior. The unexplained is the perfection of the drawings, all geometric and different, which means no one knows, that the stems bend but not break, no witnesses and made in the blink of an eye. I have collected hundreds of these drawings of 'grain shot' and each day seems more strange. I hope that one day science discovers it, and his explanation makes you laugh to humans who touch such luck.

- Although an atheist by conviction, does not seem an appropriate term from a philosophical view. In your book you ideologically defined as a rationalist, but also declaring religious nonbeliever. Can you tell us what exactly that oxymoron?

- "The oxymoron is undone as soon as you clarify that for me, religion is not belief, but an interest in the academic implications of spirituality. Some people, the vast majority who are not questions that can not know how to respond, nor care to explain their feelings about other possible life, but follow the doctrines learned without becoming more questions. or are indifferent to religion, but manifest themselves as believers. To be religious, to me, is keenly interested in the possible existence of a god, the sense of life and death, the possibility to continue living after death. In my case, moreover, is demonstrated by an extensive library on religious themes. I can therefore say that I am religious scholar in religion, but also non-believer I do not believe in anything I say positive religions. Not to lie, but 'Fabulous' on traditional doctrines, again without any apparent rational approach. I do not like the word atheist because it limits the possibilities of accepting a 'god', born of some other belief. For example, if science tells me that the 'energy' is eternal, "considering it would be wrong that divinity that we are looking for? This issue give a lot to talk and is not the time to do it, but should continue to deepen the subject (with scientists, not philosophers or theologians, who have been spending their time). "

- I can not conclude the interview without referring to your living, who was kind enough to send me at the time. I agree with every one of its paragraphs. Today, I identify fully with his rational view of the world with his love of science and Enlightenment philosophy, with his defense of secular humanism ... Why did you write and who do you feel that something has been done in life or will leave fully satisfied? What questions would you like to be resolved before leaving this world?

- "I did my 'Living Will' for myself first, but also for my daughters and grandchildren. Because it is the best way to get to know their loved ones. It is true that no one knows anyone There are approximations that may satisfy the curiosity by 'enter' in the brain of the elderly. How can I really know without knowing anything about my ancestors? "I myself have delved into my family tree and I stopped writing the biographies of family names, far as I can (of course, I have come to the eighteenth century). As to the questions that I would clear, and I pointed to two of them, but I know I'll have to leave lugging the largest uncertainties of life. However, what I can import when you make the reverse trip to my arrival, which was nothing to life? I do not know if at the time of my death I will be lucid enough to know if I'm satisfied or not. At least, I've completed almost all my projects. The family, of course. After professionals, almost everyone. Now I'm writing a new book entitled eighteenth Madrid Mayor times better, but as will be the last before leaving, I'm stalling ... "

Thank you, Don Francisco, for his kindness in answer my questions. I am also very grateful for all the knowledge that has contributed through his exceptional book THE CHIMERA OF THE GODS, which will occupy a prominent place in my personal library.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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produce I pity those people who say they do not read for lack of time. In some cases it is probably true, but most use this pretext to conceal his lack of interest in reading. The amazing thing is that many people with good university majors lost interest in books when they completed their studies. It is as if at the time of their lives they were forced to look to carve out a good economic future, and since then they have hives produce a book in their hands. Poor! There's nothing like the curiosity to learn, the pleasure of being know new things, broaden the knowledge that one possesses, comparing data and ideas, and manage rich intellectually credible information. Read a book should be as essential as eating or breathing. It is without doubt the best medicine for your brain. A good daily dose is highly recommended reading, and also contains no contraindications. It is true that the Internet now offers us a great opportunity to be fairly knowledgeable about any subject, but should never replace a good reading of scientific, philosophical, historical or literary. I say this not just because I am an avid reader-who I am and I'm proud of it, and experience the pleasure of being a good read for those of us curious about every day a little more, but because a good book becomes a loyal friend for life. When one concludes the reading of a book that is worth it, will know it in their hands more than once and will not be destined to occupy a forgotten corner of the library from home. I consulted several times. And that happens to me with the works listed in this blog and many more, of course. The list would be endless.

Indeed, the January 10 finished reading one of those books that leave a deep impression. Its title: THE CHIMERA OF THE GODS (Vision Books, 2010). Author: Francisco Aguilar Pinal (Sevilla, 1931). In his impressive resume, we note that a doctorate in Philosophy and Literature (Department of Romance Philology), Professor at the Faculty of Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid (1967-70), Research and Research Professor until his retirement in Instituto Cervantes, the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), based in Madrid, Dr. 'connected ad honorem' at the new Institute English Language and Literature, Academician of the Academy of Sciences, Fine Arts and Fine Arts of Cordoba (1968), the English-American Science and Arts of Cadiz (1969), Science, Fine Arts and Belles Lettres 'Vélez de Guevara' Ecija (1970), Board member (1973) and Honor (2001) Feijoo Institute of Eighteenth Century Studies, University of Oviedo, Full member (1990) and Honor (2002) of the English Society for the Study of eighteenth century, and has also been awarded the Commendation of Alfonso X the Wise, granted by HM King Juan Carlos I, has contributed to numerous journals in the humanities, has participated in several conferences organized by the CSIC has been a lecturer, speaker and author of dozens of articles, essays, monographs, books, etc.

But there is something that is not on his vast 68-page curriculum. And Francisco Aguilar Pinal is a convinced rationalist and atheist. It has not always been, as he confesses in The chimera of the gods . It was his passion for scientific knowledge and its particular search for truth that led him gradually to discard the religious memes inherited from our earliest childhood. Not so simple. And I know what you mean, because I've been through the same process deconstructor and I realize the difficulty of shed so many false beliefs to lead finally to atheism. But that does not end the problem, because even today, to say openly that you are an atheist and that religions are a hoax, not just surf against the tide, but in turn become misunderstood for family and friends, and gain the confidence and enmity of many people. I know from personal experience. But does it matter? The happiness that provides shed so many fallacies and walk himself solely in the light of reason is immense. "There is no greater happiness than loyalty to one's identity, the discovery of error, deception and false truth, the release of 'memes' religious influence our lives, especially the absurd notion of sin, to intimidate us of the good preachers, hypocrites almost always ", Aguilar Pinal says in the preface to his excellent book, of which five hundred pages offers a fascinating journey by current scientific theories in fields such as neurology, biology and cosmology, which left in doubt any animist and theological postulate. "When science is discovering one after another, with uncompromising toughness, the mysterious secrets of life, it is unnecessary to resort to supernatural solutions" he said.

I have been lucky to have friendship with the author, although it has carved through the cold email, as we do not have the pleasure to meet in person. Still, sharing the same intellectual interests, reading the same authors, feel the same predilection for the Enlightenment philosophers (especially by Baron d'Holbach) and defend the same ideas atheists, secular humanists and has served for the friendship from the distance to fruition and my party has been rewarded very well when he had the courtesy to send a signed copy of The chimera of the gods . The result of this budding friendship is also the interview I suggested a few days and has graciously accepted. In these Currently writing and soon will be released in this blog.


Reading The chimera of the gods is essential for all restless seeker truth. If anything characterizes this work is that it leaves out of its pages anything that has to do with science, philosophy, theology and religions, especially Christianity. It is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge, focused at all times from the right, which on the other hand demonstrates the intellectual ability of the author, in addition to his extensive knowledge in a multitude of complex and reflexive acuity when assessing sensitive issues such as religious beliefs. The extensive documentation is handled very well proven by the numerous references including over its content.

The work is structured in three parts. The first focuses on the mystery of life. The author reviews the knowledge acquired so far about the universe and human consciousness. Y is categorical when he says: "The scientific advances of the last half century the traditional religions become something quite incompatible with scientific truth" . No there is more to enter the paths of evolutionary biology, molecular genetics and neuroscience to realize the fragility that is the idea of \u200b\u200ba creator god. The same is true if we approach the problem in modern cosmology, which suggests a universe without beginning or end. All these matters are dealt with extensively in this first part, which also clarifies that consciousness is a purely material and reduces the activity of our brain. There is no soul, unless we call in this way to consciousness. Ortega y Gasset used to say that "the soul is a metaphysical hypothesis, but brain activity" .

The second part deals with the invention of spirits. I particularly emphasize this central block of the work because I consider it essential to understand the goal that marked the author to develop The chimera of the gods . It is in this section where we review in depth the myths of divinity, the soul, of immortality, angels and demons, as well as the revelations. His warning is clear: "Any person who attempts to assert his right and the constant findings in Science on the vagaries of the imagination, above feelings and beliefs, will engage in a titanic struggle against the rest of society is believe in gods, angels, devils, souls and other spirits created by human imagination ".

The third and final part of the chimera leads to damaging religions, carrying out a detailed review of the polytheistic religions and their evolution towards monotheism which are still in force, the role played by the biblical God and what Jesus has meant of Nazareth and Christianity throughout history (as well as Judaism and Islam). The author can not fail to mention the horrors of the Crusades and the Inquisition, the persecutions and religious wars, the tyranny of the popes, etc. "The Catholic intransigence consistent with his belief that the God you preach is the only real- ha sido la causante de los más sangrientos hechos en la historia de nuestra civilización. Ha desencadenado guerras teológicas, ha perseguido con saña a los disidentes, ha combatido a los infieles en las Cruzadas medievales, en la moderna Inquisición y en las guerras civiles de nuestro tiempo” , nos recuerda.


No es mi propósito seguir desmenuzando el contenido de la obra, sino sencillamente animarles a que la lean porque verdaderamente merece la pena. Lástima que no haya tenido el eco mediático que requiere un libro de esta categoría. Maybe that makes it more special than those who become overly commercial. The point is that we have many books critical of rationalists and religious writings by foreign authors, fortunately, translated into Castilian years. Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Michel Onfray, Daniel C. Dennett, Christopher Hitchens and Michael Shermer are some of them. But here in Spain do not have such distinguished writers in this field, except Ojea Gonzalo Puente, Pepe Rodriguez and a few others. Thus, Francisco Aguilar Pinal enters through the front door of the authors with English atheists The chimera of the gods . And for that reason, a server supports him unconditionally from this blog.

the chimera of God in the House of the Book: -ven-corazon-que-no-quiebra/1798625/2900001399412

CURRICULUM VITAE of Francisco Aguilar Pinal:

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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On Friday, the radio program "Limit Dimension" (station RK20), directed and presented by journalist David Cuevas, spent three hours by a special on the medium Anne Germain and Telecinco program "Beyond Life", which premiered on August 10 (and about which I have given my opinion in this blog). A team member "Limit Dimension", the historian Juan José Sánchez-Oro, managed to infiltrate the public attending the show Irreality , may direct witness of what's going on behind the scenes and the business that manages the medium. After the initial interview, which lasted nearly an hour and we could hear the hidden recordings obtained by the 'infiltration', the program continued with an interesting and dynamic discussion in which participated the clinical psychologist Eva Maria Muñiz, Manuel Carballal researcher and a server, offering our respective points of view before we can consider a full-scale assembly. In the final program, the writer Jesus Callejo also contributed his critical opinion on the subject.

Really contact Anne Germain with spirits or is it a blatant fraud? How much money does the medium for the program? Is there a family business behind? Why People are so receptive and excited so easily to these alleged messages from beyond ? Is there evidence that there is life after death? The intentions of the medium are they merely spiritual or profit? All this talk on "Limit Dimension" you can listen or download at the following link:

And if you want the program with better sound quality (128 Kbps):

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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A Logo Design Proposal 2 Cootranhuila Cootracero

Continuing with the proposals on the sets of transport companies in our country. For this occasion we show an idea that was developed earlier this year for passenger transport company Cootracero Sogamoso city, was developed in two colors, red for the current service and green for special service. Finally
not approved so we decided to publish it and expose their views and recommendations on the design.
welcome your participation to improve every day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Ignorance is very bold as we know, but if accompanied by a good dose of religious faith becomes quite dangerous. Just remember how they ended up so many philosophers and scientists, from Hypatia of Alexandria to Giordano Bruno, who had the bad fortune running into the Church and its followers. If we were in one of these scenarios pasts, Benedict XVI had sent to the stake for their heretical Stephen Hawking book Great design (Criticism, 2010). In his homily on Sunday January 6, Pope attacked the British astrophysicist to ensure that there is no need to call upon God to turn the equations and explain the origin of the universe. "The universe is not the result of chance, as some would have us believe" , said Ratzinger. He added: "We should not be limited to theories that always come up to a point and if we look closely, are not in competition with faith, but can not explain the ultimate meaning of reality ". Is it much more coherent explanation offered by the religion? I invite you to read first Genesis biblical and after Hawking's book, and you will see that science and faith itself are in full competition. And for one simple reason: because what the Bible proposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who created the universe at a given moment and in less than a week, in addition to child is the fruit of human imagination. Instead, it proposes Hawking's book is the result of a thorough and lengthy investigation cosmology based on the scientific method. "According to predictions of M-theory, our universe is not unique, but many other universes were created out of nothing. Its creation, however, does not require the intervention of any God or supernatural being, but a multitude of universes that arises naturally from the physical law: it is a scientific prediction ", Hawking said at the beginning of their exceptional work in which we provides a detailed overview of the most intriguing mysteries of modern cosmology and everything we know today about the laws of nature, focusing primarily on that longed Theory of Everything that would unify the four forces in one law compatible with theory quantum. And it seems that the great candidate is M-theory, unified theory that Einstein hoped to find. "Scientists must accept theories that are consistent with the experiments and not with our preconceived notions" , Hawking acknowledged.

Science is not against faith, but through their hard and committed work of observation, experimentation, testing, scenario approach and set of models, will rationally explaining issues that once were monopoly of religion, as is the origin of the universe and life. That legitimate quest for the truth that religion has back to scientific advancement. By being allegedly "attacked" react fiercely attacking religion to science. Previously, the Church burned at the stake to any scientist who dared to question the theological dogmas. Today, fortunately that's not happening. But the Church continues anathematizing scientists who postulate theories without taking into account and used this imaginary supernatural being called 'God', a powerful wildcard to cover the gaps that still exist in scientific knowledge (because if something is that science recognizes does not have answers for everything). Indeed, another major difference we found between science and religion, is that the first moves forward slowly, taking as a guide always doubt. His theories are not immutable and are constantly being reviewed for possible failures and replaced by more correct. And that dignity to science. Instead, religion is based on immutable dogmas. Cree have an absolute truth that nothing in the world can be challenging.

addition, the contribution of science to understanding the universe and our world has been extraordinary. What religion has helped in that regard? Absolutely nothing. That the pope question the Big Bang -a well-established scientific model since the astronomer Edwin Hubble observed in 1929 how galaxies away from each other and, especially, since in 1965 he discovered the cosmic microwave background, "or to ensure that this theory is lame if we take God's hands, demonstrating the irreparable damage that can lead to religious faith when provided in excessive doses. If the pope rejected scientific theories espoused by Hawking so brilliantly in his book co-authored with physicist Leonard Mlodinow, "really has a serious brain problem, obviously driven by their foolish religious beliefs have even paralyze their neurons. Denying scientific evidence simply because it contradicts the ridiculous theological positions (rather mythological), is to show fanatical and dogmatic stance. And this Pope is a good example. You can not expect otherwise from such inquisitor who is looking longingly toward Trento and deep suspicion of Switzerland, whose capital is the CERN, where attempts by the collision of protons to create the conditions for the formation of the universe some 13,500 million years (terrible heresy to the Church!).

Fortunately, despite the serious obstacles that continue to cause religious dogmas in the XXI century, science will continue to hit in his laudable aim to unravel the mysteries of the universe and life by the judicious use of reason. As pointed out by Professor Francisco Aguilar Pinal in his magisterial The chimera of the gods (Vision Books, 2010), which I will soon on this blog, it is extremely important "approach to science, that little by little we are lifting the veil of ignorance (sometimes spoiled) to approach a demonstrated truth, which illuminates the unexpected and new man, free from religious bondage ".

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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RATZINGER CROSS HEADS fierce anti-secular

After receiving congratulations and good wishes of family members I never see, of being bombarded with emails corny Christmas and inappropriate calls from supposed "friends" that these dates tend to behave hypocritically, to support neighbors in order year, feel obliged to set up loud parties until all hours of the morning, it's time to sit comfortably at the computer and reflect on certain issues which have been vox populi in 2010 in religious matters and who will be in the new year just premiered in the crisis and unemployment continue to cause havoc. Indeed, it was not like the future imagined by Arthur C. Clarke ...

When I came home at dawn after New Year's Eve dinner, I was browsing through virtual newspaper for the news highlights of the last hours of 2010. How could it be otherwise, Benedict XVI dismissed the year and decade for the umpteenth time remembering something that seems to take away the dream: the need for Spain-and by extension, Europe-reactive its Christian roots and to undertake an arduous fight against secularism (which is not aggressive, contrary to what the Pope preaches). Sounds like a fanatical crusade. And basically it is. The Church is conducting a merciless battle antilaicista (actually it is a miserable attack on freedoms individual), while watching your business bimillennium collapses spectacularly, though not a result of the economic crisis, which never affects the multinational Vatican, but by the profound crisis of faith. The latest surveys provide an increasingly bleak outlook for the Church. In Spain, atheism has grown in 2010, I welcome. Atheists and non-believers and we are 20.3% of the population (in 2007 were 16.5%). In turn, decreases the number of Catholics, 80.5% fell to 77% in just over two years. Consider also that the number of practicing Catholics reached only 28.1% and continues to decline gradually. Among non-practicing Catholics, 44% do not believe in God, showing that family and social tradition is stronger than their faith (it is ironic that you considered Catholic and not believe in God.) To make matters worse, 64% of Catholics considered the Pope does not represent God. Yes, it is clear that Catholicism is at its lowest hours, unable to adapt to the advanced societies of the twenty-first century. With John Paul II, the innovative spirit of Vatican II is vaporized in a flash and the Church involuted to a rather inspired neoconservatism Trento. Yet Ratzinger-zealous guardian of orthodoxy from his days as cardinal secularism blame the evils afflicting the Church. Interpreted as a powerful force hostile to religion and faith in God. He does not realize that the worst enemy that religion has its own religious radicalism is not secularism, that only promotes freedom of conscience and state neutrality in religious matters. Religion itself is hostile. A clear example was the savage attack occurred during the New Year's Eve in a Coptic church in Alexandria and has killed 21 Christians, apart from the dozens of wounded was. The suicidal act was committed by an atheist or an advocate of secularism, but a Muslim terrorist, possibly linked to Al Qaeda command . A fan religious, after all. The subsequent clash between Christians and Muslims on the streets of Egypt was a good sign of peace that promote religion. We see how well you lead by example. "Certainly, religion is now an active source of violence, much as it was at any time in the past. The recent conflicts in Palestine (Jews versus Muslims), the Balkans (Orthodox Serbs against Croats Catholics, Orthodox Serbs against Bosnian Muslims and Albanians), Northern Ireland (Protestants against Catholics), Kashmir (Muslims against Hindus), Sudan (Muslims against Christians and animists), Nigeria (Muslims against Christians) Ethiopia and Eritrea (Muslims against Christians), Sri Lanka (Sinhalese Buddhists against Tamil Hindus), Indonesia (Muslims against Timorese Christians), Iran and Iraq (Shiite Muslims against Sunni Muslims), and the Caucasus (Orthodox Russians against Chechen Muslims, Muslim Azerbaijanis against Catholic and Orthodox Armenians) are merely a few examples. In these places religion has been the explicit cause of literally millions of deaths in the last 10 years ", the philosopher Sam Harris notes in his splendid article 'Religion as a source of intolerance and irrationality." Where are the atheists dangerous these brutal wars? That is one of the reasons why many people reject religion because it continues to this day, making fanatics who kill in God's name. And also because, as with the institutional church, maintains obsolete dogmas, postulates that infringe on the right, an unnatural and repressive sexual morality, misogynist and homophobic attitudes, postures unscientific, uncontrollable desire to continue to control millions of minds to terrify with the idea of \u200b\u200bsin and eternal hell, policies far removed from the Gospel message, closer relations with the powerful than with the poor, etc.

The profound secularization in recent decades, Western societies have experienced has obviously created a huge rift between many citizens and the Church. Not to mention, following the scandal of pedophile priests cases (and even more, predicting that the Vatican covered up such crimes). That has led many Catholics look askance at the institution where they were baptized by their parents. Thus, the storm of criticism, the decline of the faithful and the considerable number of apostates in the last five years, it causes a reaction resulting from purely internal, not external. Above all, since the Vatican being governed by the fundamentalist Ratzinger. Its ultra-conservative papacy itself has had destabilizing consequences for the Church, unable to adapt to the signs of the times and accept the prevailing moral pluralism. But the leaders did not want to admit it and seek a scapegoat to blame. And now throw their poison darts against the secular model. The Church does not tolerate losing the political and social influence that has always had, especially during the Franco dictatorship, and his desire is to regain the power they once wielded. There is more to observe the pulse that keeps the iron Episcopal Conference with the government. And how to get it, is the political signal that is, yield submissively to their blackmail and continue funding the Church's bishops to keep happy (and well-filled bellies.) The postponement of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero of the more than necessary reform of the Religious Freedom Act, demonstrates yet again how the English politicians are kneeling before the proud bishops. Faced with this nonsense, we might ask: is it really Spain a secular state and secular and defend our Constitution? I doubt it. At least, in practice there is not a neutral in religious matters. Rather, it remains a veiled confessional. "seems fair and necessary to ask what is the mode al ciudadano un Estado que se declara constitucionalmente aconfesional, pero en la práctica funciona como un perverso hipócrita y facineroso” , señala el escritor y profesor Víctor Moreno.

¿Y a qué se debe esa fijación del pontífice hacia nuestro país como vimos en su última visita, más estratégica que pastoral? ¿Acaso porque España fue en su día una de las naciones más representativas de la fe católica, llegando a ser considerada la reserva espiritual de Occidente? Pienso que esa es una buena razón, pero hay otra aún más poderosa: el temor a perder los pingües privilegios económicos que aún obtiene la Iglesia española. Sólo in 2009, received the State no less than 15,000 million euros. Such benefits are due, largely, to the Agreements signed on January 3, 1979 the Holy See and the English state and still remain effective. "are privileges contrary to the constitutional principles of secularism and equality before the law" , says the theologian Juan José Tamayo, secretary general of the Association of Theologians John XXIII and was infamously banned by the Church's teaching following his book God and Jesus (despite being a lay theologian and not rely on the hierarchy at all). Long ago that the English church should be self-financing (as it does in the UK). That was precisely what he promised to do after a reasonable time. In fact, at No. 5 of Article 2 of Agreement between the English State and the Holy See on economic affairs , we read: "The Catholic Church declares its intention to achieve by itself enough resources to care for their needs ". However, they have met just now thirty-two years since the signing of the Concordat and the Church is still getting a more substantial financial support from the State. So while the church and state remain bound by those agreements should be repealed immediately, can not be stated categorically that Spain is a truly secular state. Do not forget, as clarified by the historian Ramón Teja, who secularism means the existence of a public space available to all citizens to exercise their rights in conditions of freedom and equality, a city of men in which there is room for all, not a city of God where there is only room for believers ".

Something like we read in the Manifesto Civic Platform a Secular Society:

"The ideal of secularism is a guarantee freedom and democratic integration of the various religious and moral beliefs that coexist in a society. Secularism as a philosophy and social movement argues that freedom of conscience, freedom of ideology and religious freedom is a cornerstone of democratic laws of a country and that the State must be neutral in religious matters, that is, that no religion should enjoy any preferential treatment or any privilege (economic, social, legal) in their relations with political power. This political philosophy argues that all citizens are equal before the law and that nobody may be discriminated against on religious or ideological reasons. The goal of secularism is that every citizen can freely exercise their moral choices, with the neutrality of the State expressed the best way to ensure effective and equal freedom of conscience for all ".