Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Optiplex Gx620 Driver Audio 7


Many will be surprised if I say that the father of modern atheism was a priest who served his pastoral work as required by the script. Yes, Jean Meslier (1664-1729), a humble priest two small French towns, left for posterity the most radical work ever written against God, the Church, popes and faiths. Even the materialists and anti-clerical philosophers of his day were so strong when it comes to demolish the foundations of faith, a source of strife and division among men. Not a rationalist like Baron d'Holbach, author of the fabulous System of Nature (1770) - went so far, which is saying. Deconstructed Meslier religions, especially Christianity, clear and convincing evidence "to the vain attempt undeceive mistakes that have been born and lived" . In over a thousand pages of his extraordinary manuscript, written when he was 60 years old, built the first monument and the largest to date, erected to the atheist cause. Bravo for the cure! Cursed and blessed the Church for the atheists! ... The tome was an endless title: Memory thoughts and feelings of Jean Meslier, cure Balaives Étrépigny and, on certain errors and falsehoods in the guide and rule of men, where demonstrations are clear and obvious vanity and falsehood of all gods and religions in the world, report to be delivered to his parishioners after his death to serve as a witness to the truth, both for themselves and their peers. In testimoniis illis, et gentibus . Delighted that this masterpiece of atheistic thought has been published in Castilian and in full, no light version did print Voltaire who said that stupidity "if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him" - whose miserably maimed more substantial content, though it had the merit of having distributed outside the underground circuits. The Testament Meslier of Laetoli has been published in highly recommended collection "The Illustrated ', led by the philosopher José Manuel Bermudo. Obviously, he has gone on sale with a title short: Memory against religion. Fortunately, all this time has been reduced is the title, not the content. Congratulations on this careful edition also features an enlightening epilogue signed by Julio Seoane Pinilla, Ph.D. from the Autonomous University of Madrid and now a professor at the University of Alcalá de Henares.

Several weeks ago I tasted it carefully and be pleased this great work. Chapeau! A very delicious dish that gave me a fantastic digestion. Although I am convinced that many, try a simple teaspoon of this tasty tome, they cause nausea. Not all palates are ready to venture with such menu: Meslier makes clear that God does not exist, describes Jesus as a crazy fanatic, denies that there is a further ensures that the immortality of the soul is pure fiction, says that matter, the principle of all, is governed exclusively by mechanical laws and does not respond to supernatural causes and ruling religion, pure human inventions, are run by tyrants to exploit economically ignorant populace. Almost nothing! All explosive immanentist menu prepared with ingredients very select. The atheist priest showed his mastery in handling the biblical texts - "falsehoods that never happened" , aseveró-, exponiendo las contradicciones que encierra la moral cristiana -castrante y contraria a lo que dicta la naturaleza- y desmontando los ridículos dogmas católicos -únicamente pueden ser aceptados si cerramos los ojos de la razón-. En cada página apreciamos sus profundos conocimientos teológicos y filosóficos, a pesar de que no tuvo la menor relación con los grandes pensadores del momento y ni siquiera dispuso de una nutrida biblioteca para documentarse (no llegaba al medio centenar de libros). Sabemos que leyó a Montaigne, a Séneca, a Pascal, a Descartes… pero su subversiva obra brilla por su originalidad. No se asemeja a ninguna otra que aborde cuestiones parecidas. Es más, el rebelde cura ahead of his time, proclaiming social justice, equality between men and women and respect for individual freedoms. How could it be otherwise for someone who was implacably opposed to the injustice and fighting for an egalitarian society, condemned the oppression of the people because of the despotic civil and ecclesiastical authorities. And it was consistent with his ideas, she dedicated her existence for the poor, the downtrodden and despised, and used to divide their earnings with those more disadvantaged parishioners. "Your priests make you miserable and I always kept captive under the yoke of their hateful and unbearable vain and mad superstition, under the pretext of wanting to lead you happily to God and to enforce their laws and their holy holy ordinances. And that means also the princes and the world's great loot you, I trample, I ruin, I oppress and tyrannize you, on the pretext of wanting to govern you and keep the public good " he wrote.


And if it was as atheistic and anticlerical why is became a priest?, you ask. "To please my parents' reply with sincerity Meslier, who took the habit at age 22 despite "I've never been prone to bigotry or superstition, nor have I been just so foolish as to let myself be carried away by the mysterious follies of religion ". Accepted the game and kept the pantomime destination for life, not to disappoint his family and friends. "I was very upset about having to act and speak against my own opinions (...) I assure you it was with pain and an extreme reluctance" . What could make a priest airing such abominable ideas? Only the misunderstanding, contempt and absolute conviction. He thought best left for when one is already dead. "I desire in life to expose the indignation of the priests and the cruelty of tyrants, which they would not quite rigorous torment to punish such recklessness" he said. He adds: "Let priests, preachers, doctors and authors of lies, errors and impostors shall be offended and angry like all they want after they have died. I try then, if you want, wicked, apostate, blasphemer and atheist. I do not care at all who insult me \u200b\u200band curse all they want, they can not produce the slightest concern ". As it clarifies the philosopher Pascal in his indispensable Charbonnat History materialist philosophies (2007): "is resigned to the exercise of his office, being content to do the bare minimum to avoid any possible criticism of the authorities . Thanks to his priestly work, Meslier ataraxia and found enough time to develop to their full capacity materialistic ideas and philosophical reflections, and thereby pave the way to expose your thinking atheist in a text aimed, for obvious reasons (the fires constantly burning under the ruthless reign of Louis XIV), to see the light after his death, hoping that the people ever achieved emancipation from religion and cultivate the light of reason to escape at last from the yoke of tyrants. Meslier developed its Testament under the night, using goose, lit by a candle and sat in a corner of his tiny room. In this friendly atmosphere was conceived the spirited 'bible' atheist. "The hatred of injustice, lies, the deceit, tyranny and other sins is the one that made me say so, because, actually, I hate and detest all injustice and all unrighteousness" he confessed. His work took him a year of hard work. After completing it, had the patience to make two more copies. Finally, put three copies in a safe and wrote, shortly before his death, trails letters addressed to his successor and the priest of a neighboring parish, informing them of where he was hiding his valuable 'treasure'. The manuscripts, once recovered, went to church authorities Paris, although some philosophers of the time, as Voltaire said, he bought a copy in 1735 - did their best to not be destroyed. As I said before, this anticlerical deist and philosopher cheesy-friend of the powerful enemy of the atheist-was who in 1762 released the Testament reduced and distorted version (the original text would not light up century later). A despicable! The appetizing menu was turned into a mere appetizer, but modern atheism and finally had its predecessor and sublime chef, despite the official historiography has chosen to ignore unjustly denounced the insightful philosopher Michel Onfray in The ultras of Lights (fourth volume of his exceptional Contrahistoria of Philosophy). "It surprised -Onfray- wonders that go absolutely dominant historiography neglected figure of a priest atheist reign of Louis XIV, which, moreover, was a revolutionary communist and internationalist integral materialistic, hedonistic convinced downright angry, vengeful anti-Christian and blasphemous, but also and above all, a philosopher in the full and noble sense of the term, namely designating who proposes a comprehensive and coherent vision of the world and to defend every inch of the intransigent court of Western reason? " ... Meslier

not mince words. Consider, first, that the idolatries and superstitions have spread across the face of the Earth due to the authority of the powerful, traps and tricks of deceivers and liars, as well as ignorance and weakness of ordinary people. At the beginning of his work, and pulls out his gun and fired at close range against religions:

"Religions are nothing more than human inventions, and all the teachings and forced to believe, passing through divine, supernatural, is not only error, illusion and deception. Mistakes by those who believe, with total lightness in things that have never existed or never existed or were very different from that assumed. Errors of those who imagine seeing or hearing things that do not exist. Lies of those who preach this kind of things against their own science and knowledge. And finally, frauds of those who invent and extend to others who receive it as an imposition and believe in them ". Now

points against the naive Christians

"Your religion is no less misleading and less superstitious than the others. It is no less false in its principles or less ridiculous and absurd in its dogmas and doctrine. You are no less idolatrous than those who condemn censuráis and for idolatry (...) All the priests and doctors as you so eloquently preach about the greatness, excellence and holiness of the mysteries that compel you to worship, all that I have such serious about the certainty of his alleged miracles, and all that I make off with much zeal and aplomb about the rewards of heaven and the punishments of hell, are, at heart, rather than illusions, errors, lies, fiction and deceptions. With the addition that all It was invented in the first place, political cunning and sneaky and had continued for the time with certain seductive and impostors, being received and believed blindly ignorant and rude, and this has been maintained, finally, by the powerful and sovereign Earth, which have favored the falsehoods, superstitions, frauds and mistakes by empowering them with laws to keep ordinary mortals by the bridle and getting them what they wanted ".

been two accurate shots. Later, riddled with God (sorry for Nietzsche, but too late):

"The assumption that infinitely perfect deícolas call God is merely an imaginary being is not, nor is it anywhere. Similarly, its supposed divine perfections are endless and just imaginary, since it is not seen or found anywhere and nobody has ever seen (...) This is supposed to be so uncertain and doubtful, despite thousands of years we have been debating its existence, no one can prove or to provide any clear and convincing evidence of it (...) If you have a person like him, would render such a clear and visible to our eyes and our senses that there would be nobody could doubt the reality of its existence. But since we can not see or perceive to be supposed that the highest degree perfect for any party and in any way, and nor can we know, there is really no reason to believe or say that being there, and we have more reasons on the contrary, to believe and say that there is ". According

Meslier, if there is a God infinitely good and wise, "existed prevent evil, vice, injustice and unrest (...) A world run by power and an all-powerful government would be exempt vices, evils and disorders, because if it were infinitely good and wise, as they say, would prevent his goodness and their almighty wisdom that there is evil, injustice, evil and disorder (...) Check that there are both evil, both vice, so much misery and evil makes us see clearly that there is no God ".

now have to face Jesus. Do daunted? ... Absolutely. Once again demonstrates his marksmanship:

"Yes, dear friends, a character like that confer divinity your priests, your doctors and preachers. Constrain you to worship, like your kind and Divine Savior, a character like that, a guy who could not save himself from shame torture of the cross, which he was convicted and for which he ended his days miserably. Because that Jesus Christ, whom you must worship liability as if it were a God who became man to save you and redeem you, as they say, it was just a vile man, a fan and an unhappy miserable scoundrel (...) There had to be either to be as arch-fanatic, like the Christ of the Christians, to have ideas and imaginations so vain, false, ridiculous, absurd and outrageous as he had. And if you come now, surely we would take a visionary, a lunatic or a fanatic, that's why I took it in his time. It was a small man, a despicable man who had no opinion, and science talent ".

No pardons even to the monks:

"What abuse and madness that people who have made a profession of renouncing the world and should live in poverty and in the rigorous practice of penance may have many goods and so much wealth! What abuse and madness to allow a few individuals who do nothing worthwhile and that they're completely useless to society may have many goods and many riches! ".

P ara Meslier, over time have been added, cuts and fakes in the Scriptures whose deep contradictions suppress alleged divine inspiration that Christians attribute. "What we have security and certainty, for example, that the four Gospels, which cover the alleged miracles of Jesus were written by those who have been given? And even if the wording is for those who have been allocated, what assurance can we have that they were men of integrity and worthy of credit? " he asks. And it is not there is any certainty that the biblical miracles have occurred. They're just stories corrupted and counterfeit. Like the biblical prophecies, which are also false, empty and deceptive. Therefore, neither the miracles and prophecies serve as valid evidence to authenticate the Christian faith. A faith that no longer blind belief in things unseen and unknown. What

proposed against many chimeras? ... First, follow the light of reason: "There is no other path than that of natural reason, that is, as it seems evident that we must continue to not walk blindly" . Secondly, establish a social hedonism, in order to reach a happy man real, not fictitious. "Seize the time living wisely well and enjoying sober, peaceful and happy, if you can, all the good things that life offers you and enjoying the fruits of your labor, because that is all that you will draw clear, since, as death puts an end to life, disappearing knowledge and the notion of good and evil ". Without doubt, Epicureanism fluttered in her mind. Another of his proposals: to eradicate ignorance and lack of a good education. And most important of his proclaimed libertarian project: "decide not to serve and you will be free (...) While bear with the domination of tyrants and errors, falsehoods and the vain superstitions of worship gods and idols, you will be miserable and unhappy ". Owes much of Enlightenment and the French Revolution! And if, as the historian Tzvetan Todorov, "we are all children of the Enlightenment" , how much we owe them all! ...

Dare you try the tasty menu prepared by Meslier. Worthwhile. Bon appetit!


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