"Do not let reality spoil your good news invents reality to become news," said the American journalist William Hearst, the architect of the tabloids. That phrase has become the slogan of our current media culture, fanciful and corrupt to the bowels. The mass media, especially television, which therefore encourages ignorance, the sleaze and vulgarity, "have put aside all scruples in order to attract audience hungry for sensational news. Successful programs and stultifying the "pink press", which aired live from the miseries of the famous, much monopolize of the schedule. If a character in the coarseness of Belén Esteban is converted into the media figure par excellence of this country call "people's princess", to be loved and applauded wherever it goes, "it gives us a pretty good idea of \u200b\u200bcultural decline suffer in these parts and what people tend to choose when you turn on the TV. And anything goes in this society that fuels both cultural relativism. Today, anyone can have a voice in the media, becoming contertulio although it is a total illiterate throwing repeated outbursts, as in the case of the aforementioned ex Jesulín.
Story all this because I just learned that all was not invented in the "pink trash TV." Apparently, soon will open another program on the celebrity scene, but with a new added: will a famous British medium contacted in trance with popular characters and disembodied . Plural producer is preparing for the pilot program, a special hosted by Jordi González ("La Noria") in the medium we will see Anne Germain is now succeeding on Portuguese television, use their alleged psychics to contact with spirits of people who were famous in more here. Telecinco will - why not! - The string to deliver this new "Irreality show" and you're thinking about the possibility that characters like Carmina Ordóñez, Rocío Dúrcal Rocío Jurado and can return to the studios to be interviewed, yes, by through mediumship. Chestnut Takes! I think this is already passed several villages, or rather, several astral planes ...
The influence of media on public opinion is more powerful than many believe. In his extraordinary book The reason strangled (2008), chemist and journalist Carlos Elias writes: "As explained by one of my teachers of information theory, the current reality in the media culture is like a dark room the journalist is the one with the flashlight to illuminate what others see in that room. The reality for all is embodied in what light the lantern. Someone pointed out that less sophisticated reality that is defined solely by transmitting the television. rest does not exist ". I can not agree more. If a journalist goes on TV Conspiranoids ideas questioning the man on the moon, there will be many people who end up believing and that from that moment to share the same opinion unfounded, without bothering to verify the information, without reading anything about the space race, without having the slightest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat led to the Apollo Mission , not knowing if the astronauts left the moon and if technical equipment brought lunar rock. By the same token, many viewers will be naive to believe in the medium and are excited when they hear the alleged "spirits" speak through her. What information reliably handle the public to question that in this program show us? "Analyze the situation critically minded? Absolutely. Moreover, television is not much given to encourage rational thinking. Proof of this is that often the parade sets visionaries and futurists fortuneteller, speaking with great authority of the divine, the human and whatever. The problem is that presenters and journalists gape at them, addressing them as if they were qualified intellectually, truly wise, showing that the journalism schools at least of this country do not teach students the value of skepticism to manage on their life or provide a sufficient cultural and scientific basis for dealing with the esoteric on duty and other frauds that exist around us. To make matters worse, if there is a skeptic sitting in front of these characters by questioning his words, it is clear that the presenter just allows you to intervene to counter the lies that these unscrupulous seek to sneak. Everything is for the audience. And, indeed, explain the mysteries does not sell. Outrageous! ...
course that mediums do not contact spirits. There is no beyond much some people wish to continue giving to watch that for all eternity. If the medium contact with something during their trances, which is to be ascertained, is with his own unconscious, storage of our memories, our fantasies and a wealth of information we file from birth. The desire that many people have to believe in life post mortem, ie the existence of a soul that transcends our physical plane, makes tests that become nothing more than fraud, hallucinations, visions subjective states altered consciousness, disorders of self identification, etc. As a teenager I became interested in the world of the paranormal, I participated in many séances and mediumship. I confess that time I was very open to the possibility that there is a "beyond", undoubtedly influenced by the beliefs that we were brought up. But the evidence I collected in that area were so weak and controversial-as they are handled around the "Transcommunication Instrumental" (TCI) - which if you're an honest investigator who seeks the truth even at the cost of losing by the way his firm beliefs, which give us so much emotional security, "inevitably end up becoming very skeptical about these issues. Moreover, what show these alleged messages sent by via mediumship? Nothing relevant. Often grotesque, childish and absurd. And to make matters worse, contradictory. What you get a medium different than it receives another. Each course spirit passed its own version of beyond , yes, all very decorated to impress. If you deduct, through these messages that there is life after death, we must admit also that human idiocy and meanness with us the other side. "The talks are usually of a frivolous and insipid and often enervating spirit concurrent jokes with the least possible astral" said astronomer Catalan José Comas Solà in his work spiritualism to science (1908), he collected his research with mediums.
trick we use the mediums to SIMULATING A HAND Ectoplasm now just a year ago, the magazine Enigmas I published an article entitled "Fraud and deception in spiritism. " I appreciate that a magazine dedicated to the world of mystery, I published critical articles in which demystifies certain matters that are taken for no real good evidence to support them. In my opinion, readers of such journals have to know other versions, not always those that tend to diffuse from the credulity. One thing is to feel attracted by the riddles, I am the first-and quite another show very receptive to those more fanciful hypotheses that arise over them. Let's enthusiasms and prejudices aside on issues as elusive. All too careful and I speak from experience, since it's almost thirty years I have been researching the "anomalous phenomena." Well, in that report was well aware of the many scams that exist about mediumship, since it was popularized in the mid-nineteenth century following the case of the Fox sisters, we now know well that it was fraudulent. The article attracted the interest of many readers. Even Dr. Jose Rivera González, director of the Faculty of Religious Studies at the Academy "Notre Dame" of Puerto Rico. He wrote me informing me that my article would discuss with his students in his course on "Anthropology of Religion" and wanted, if I did not mind, to answer the questions I pose later. I agreed with pleasure. Trancribo the answer I gave to one student who asked about the presence of fraud in mediumship, as it is very in line with what I'm commenting here:
"Like it or not, fraud is very much in the world of spiritualism and the paranormal. The same occurs in another area I've studied in depth, as is the popular miracle-Marian apparitions. We find very phenomena subjective, in which the emotions are very present. Suggestibility in these environments means that distort reality. In some cases there are fraud aware. Therefore, the medium is simply a sham. In other cases, the medium really believe that is in contact with disembodied entities and lives a complex psychodrama. trances are authentic, ie that the medium-as with the shaman or the Marian seer-enters a 'state altered consciousness', under which starred in a series of visions and hallucinations he interpreted a certain way, according to their beliefs and the sociocultural context in which they live. No communication with the beyond, but with the depths of our unconscious (...) The point is that the spiritualist mediumship manifested in environments prone to superstition, credulity and suggestion, where knowledge is scarce scientific and, instead, ignorance abounds and the influence of the irrational ".
So, if you plan to see the TV show, and knows what to expect.
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