Monday, March 15, 2010

What Is Different Kinds Of Asking Opinion


On more than one occasion he has heard that we all run for something, for escape from something and that most of us do not know, but to make matters worse is that not everyone who wants to can run, test one day, two weeks and the fifth leaves him. Which actually is in this world is because it has a resilience, not only physically, but also more importantly, the mental and why not also say that the "escape" by sports is a positive coping, facing the many problems we have in our work life, social, family and thus, with this hit in the face of life showed great resilience we have. We also have to add humor and self-confidence with everyone. While each party is popular full of good people in which each is for different reasons. In addition to "escape" is we do for meet, greet, communicate, relate ...

For all these reasons we are again another year, immersed in an endless and numerous little run popular choice for Sevilla and its peoples. After leaving the Great and monstrous Sevilla Marathon Race, we enter fully into the spring and with it the little run short, which we welcome with great joy, not only for its short distance, but because it is where our focus and more runners which has already become a main event to say hello. All this thanks to the official bodies that organize, Provincial, city councils ...

The first in which we premiered this season, which has been made official all the others that follow, is the IMD circuit held on March 7, in the Macarena district this time involving 25 members of Km42. By the way, ended that race 1970 runners. David

Well once again we are again left high in the ranking of brokers, had the audacity to fly to 3 ': 38''km., Almost na, congratulations champions, we are very proud of you, your work , results of your sacrifice, perseverance and your commitment to the sport. Not least were the rest, following them in this order Antonio Tejero 4 ': 00, JLPacheco 4': 14'', Victor, Jose Castillo, Manuel Campos, Manuel Peña, Jose Galvez, Jesus Maduro, J. Maria Ibanez, JCRdguez, Manuel Polidoro, Paco Mendoza, David Navarro, Antonio Orozco, Antonio Guardiola, Juan Andrade, Eugenio JA, AJ Rdguez, Mary Delgado, Juan Rodicio.

already stuck in the maelstrom of racing, the following Sunday on 14, were in San José La Rinconada. The Rinconeros ignited a very special light to accommodate all participating runners who wanted to come and enjoy the wonderful Sunday with what we like to do, run. Went through there and finished the 1191 race participants. This time we partake of in the 11,000 m. Km42 that were made in a jiffy, David Bueno 00:38:51 .... 3:31, 00:51:57 Paco Mendoza and Maria Delgado ... 4:43 ... 4:51
Resilience: ability to overcome the problems and overcome the suffering.


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