Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Petraeus Combat Action Badge

Fernando Chronicle on XXVI edition of the Seville Marathon

This whole story starts June 20 last year. A slip in a pool, get to do what no one had managed before: break a bone (humerus). The result is 8 weeks off. During this time my only concern was to recover absolute, be good and normal life. There had been so long without running from many years ago ...
As I am someone who tends to always see the glass half full, I tried to take advantage of the mishap. My ligaments, muscles, tendons, etc. not appreciate the daily impact on the pavement, and could be recovered over a long period.

Against this background, I started running in early September. From the beginning, had in mind doing a great marathon. Every time I talked with people, always repeated that this was the goal of the season.
The idea was argued on two facts: that for two consecutive years had fallen 2h: 50m and Nacho (again) I had a new plan for it.
The motivation was huge, more than ever if possible. The training had been fulfilled to the letter and I felt strong, but you always have doubts. Always ask yourself if you should have done more than this or more than that. It is the same, because carrying it out, I'd ask if you should have rested more ... This is the first law of the corridor, "complain" ...

So again, was at the station of Atocha to Sevilla to run its new edition of the mythical distance. The scenery through the train, it gives me an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I'm going to find. The mantle fruit white snow covering the field, is not typical of the Andalusian countryside and the prevailing cold much less. Luckily no rain, nor does it air. As always I am going to Sevilla, Nacho was there with the kids (getting bigger) to get me. Together we go to La Cartuja Olympic Stadium.
I pick up the dorsal and buy into the target picture, routines are met year after year.
I'm staying home again Nacho, eat there with Louise. The evening before the marathon is quiet. We walk, we see something on TV and dinner. Earlier I put the shirt back on and the chip in the shoe. Review everything and sleep ...
early to go to the stadium and pick up Mary. Greeting to Mary, who is somewhat nervous. Stay focused. I'm nervous, but I think experience makes control every one of the things I do not forget anything. I greet the members of AD Km42, we take the required pictures and talk to David and Nacho. After leaving the bag, I head to the starting line.

kick, and compared with other years I have gone perfectly. Nacho move me I had indicated that instead of going to the inside, I open to the outside. No chocolate or I meet with anyone and not just lose time. In the first kilometer greet Gabriel Campos. After the first mile I caught David Bueno and his partner. We have the same objective passing through the media, so we do a group.
So pass the miles, talking, cracking jokes and occasionally reminding someone who does not "pass rate." We almost always go at the top three. From time to time over two or three companions of Tarragona. The atmosphere is good.
We arrived at kilometer 10 and continue as the group of about 16 members, very compact. Kilometers happen. In the sections that hit the air leads the group face only three of us, no one relieved. To me, this I feel very bad. I turn my head and I say to people, but nothing, no one passes. At one point tried to hang down, but the group "to be for." We assume that everyone does their career ... Step by

average 1:22:15, time is very good, but had feeling of going faster ... I give it for good, but I have doubts if I can "bend". After spending half do not know what happens to my head that looks like it jumps another spring. Not that I lose focus, but it is as if he had met a target and "relax" for a while.
David, his friend and some members of the group speed, and I with them back. The pace is adding to and I choose not to upload more. Nacho
comes with the bike and tells me we have accelerated the pace and asks me how I go. I reply that I do well and has accelerated "them" that the pace is which led me and not the other.
The problem is that I am left alone. David is going and nobody comes back. I decide to go it alone. Nacho encouraged me from time to time and I look good. I still see the group to let go, I have the light, I'll be getting two or three seconds per mile. Not a bad symptom.
try to remember things from last year, where I did the entire second half all alone (with Nacho on the bike). That gives me more confidence. However, in a left turn at km 27 the air enters the face, I feel both cold and tired legs, and my doubts. To make matters worse the GPS has filled me with "round" and not recorded in the footsteps of kilometers, I'm going without references. I try to find solutions
me any doubts. The "lucky" is that Sevilla is a circuit with wide avenues that allow you to keep up, and that's what I intend to do. "If nobody passes me and I also happened to anyone it means you keep." With these words I try to encourage and convince, and I'm getting.
the miles pass this way. I get to mile 35 and I still have my positive thoughts: "I'm like in 27, so we have not been worse."
However, I need a group to relax a bit psychologically. Thus, in the kilometer 36 I catch the group that had been in the media. At one point I bad sign because I thought he had slowed the pace and was getting worse.
I join the group of about 10 components and tell me I will stick to 4:00 m / km approx. I do not dislike. Stay a mile and a half ago and start to relay. The type of Tarragona turns and says "perfect, you've recovered." From here we began to climb up. Inadvertently accelerates the group. The smell of goal and see that even loaded legs still respond, does that inspire us. Nacho's with us on the bike and is giving us slogans and cheering. We crossed the bridge of "Alamillo" and turn right, we're at kilometer 38. I look at my watch and see I can do make, but we can also lose 2h: 45m. I tell myself that my best predictions or expected to be well at this point. Accelerated the pace and come with me three components. At the moment in the rhythm, I pass another and speeds, and everyone in line behind. Thus, in a mile we can spend five or six times. We give everything. We want to go further but the legs do not leave us, but we are hitting pulls. At mile 40 a viewer question on how were going to finish. Nacho replied that between 2:46 / 2:47. I do not give credit to my ears. It could not be so impossible! (Later, Nacho told me why he said that.) I do not watch the clock, also because I have only the overall time and is very fair. We crossed the mile 41 and I get the útlimo Nacho cry, saying: "Squeeze Fernando, you're going to make a piece of brand marcon often! And they do, grit teeth, hit some cry and entered the stadium. On the track of Athletics I see the clock strikes 2:43, and "something." Km Step 42, and already spotted the target clock. It is with 2:44:15, this does not leak. Now if that is real, now it's done. I do not want to sprint to remove two seconds, I enjoy that line without slowing down. Extend your arms and shout ... 2:44:46! Once

cruzada la línea de meta, saludo y doy las gracias a los 4 compañeros de los últimos 4 kilómetros. Entro en los interiores el estadio, y me quitan el chip., tengo las manos heladas. Paso a las dependencias del estadio a recoger la mochila y empiezo a ver a gente conocida. El primero a David, al que doy una abrazo y la Enhorabuena, 2:43:39, ¡¡menudo tiempazo!! Sigo y me encuentro con Manuel Delgado, hablo con él y me dice que ha hecho 2:43, que ha tenido mucho frío y no se ha sentido bien (otro tiempazo). Me da la Enhorabuena por la marca, porque según él, “hoy no era el mejor día para ello”. Saludo a Juan Antonio, antiguo compañero del Club Maratón Guadalajara y que deseé luck and encouraged at the start and he has done 2:40:40 (without words). Near the end of Gabriel Campos 2h: 46:20 (another crack).
I'm happy and I go way from the showers, but the feeling is strange, not how to describe it. I shower and go into the stands. Note the entry of brokers. I talk to Cordoba and Madrid, and informed of the outcome, I do so also. Nacho has been waiting to Mary, and I thank him for everything. Mary encourage entry into goal, but I can not hear me. Nacho
I see down the stairs that lead to the stands and I extend my hand and give her a hug. I think (and feel) that the mark is yours. This is the prize to the knowledge of the sport from an amateur point of view, altruistically and fostering friendship above any other purpose. Designed by and for the person running and taking care of their health and happiness above the mark.

say that everyone runs as it is, and embraces every night Seville Guadalquivir, best of all runners, who does better than others because better than him, there is none.

Thanks Nacho.


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