Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why Do My Dvds Play Blue

BLACK HUMOR: Acurio "LEE" poem by Juan Ramirez Ruiz

When stupidity, ignorance, careerism and blend into a whole may give rise to a bad sketch featuring a boutade pout or we can wear as a slide to laugh or nausea.
The fact that a cook of the bourgeoisie lumpenparásita read poems in Juan Ramirez Ruíz television is not only ironic - the very fact that JRR was cuasiindigente and literally starved - but that could be interpreted as a mockery, a mockery of bad taste, more even if this is added the belch: "What would our poets without the bars?". And, of course, easy and dignified response would be: no taverns would remain poets poets {response could not make Queirolo owner who refused to fund a book of JRR when he was alive, but now saying it has assumed founded in the bar lounge Queirolo he has called "Zero Hour" to ingratiate with the memory of the creator of "perpetual life" and their survivors. The interest ratings (the principal) would be to continue rounding up drunks to "tavern." I see no other}. In any case, we can only shield the JRR memory of all these opportunists, dilettantes and exegetes of greed, vice and drunkenness.
a shame.
PS: This video I find unpalatable. "Reading poetry" is 6:90 minutes.


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