His followers call him the "pilgrim of peace." But it is not true. Benedict XVI, the covering up pedophile priests, came to Spain as a "pilgrim of war." Before exiting the plane Alitalia, and took his hatchet to attack secularism. Cross is the main one of the most intolerant and ultra-conservative pontificates in recent times. To accredited journalists who accompanied him, said with his usual inquisitive: "was born in Spain secularism, an anti-clericalism, strong and aggressive secularism, as seen in the decade of the thirties ". With that belligerence began his visit yesterday 'pastoral' to Santiago de Compostela and Barcelona. That is, come to Spain on a trip that cost us 29.8 million euros, and the first thing is to trample both the secular and the Establishment Clause to defend our Constitution. He came with uncontrollable desire to "re-evangelization" Spain, the nation that was once a solid bastion of the Catholic faith and also considered the "land of Mary." The Vatican sect leader is not satisfied with the relations between Spain and the Holy See are friendly (even remains the Concordat of 1979, despite urgent review). Nor does it seem enough that the government has put aside the reform of the Religious Freedom Act. Even the English state continues to make more than 6,000 million euros to the Church, which enjoys great privileges in this country, true tax haven for their activities. No, the pope seeks above all to end the secularism and implement a full-fledged Catholic state, similar to what took place during the forty years of Franco's dictatorship. As rightly said Gaspar Llamazares, a member of United Left, "his statement is an insult and an affront to democracy and democratic memory English of the English ". Nothing mea culpa to cases of pedophilia in the Church, which also is very serious around here. That has no importance. In this respect has not said a peep. Total, for Benedict XVI are sins, not crimes. What does an offense is secularism. Old Europe can not be secularized. That ever! Must recover its Christian roots. "We need to re-echo God joyfully under the skies of Europe" , proclaimed yesterday Obradoiro square. This is the reactionary papacy century. The papacy of a Church ever aging and discredited. The aggressive and sectarian discourse Benedict XVI against Modernity is a good example of this. And it is also the overwhelming loss of faithful who suffered for years (14% fewer Catholics in 10 years and 51% who declare themselves non-believers).
why you work so hard, Ratzinger? How can you compare now with the secularism of the thirties? They have absolutely nothing to do. Social and cultural factors are very different. And the strong anti-clericalism that you appreciate is the logical answer against your antilaicismo radical. And against your misogyny, homophobia, conservatism, theological dictatorship, violation of human rights etc. In the background you know that your pastoral mission is doomed to failure more blunt in a free society like the present. The outdated and irrational moral doctrine to try to sell your public media and non-school events, and many promises to add as salvific offer. It is pure fallacy. So the second millennium business you're trying to keep afloat, is foundering and about to go under. The Church has planted seeds of poor quality for centuries and now you are reaping the rotten fruits. Who will want to try? Well, you'll always find gullible you believe and worship before thy feet, as this woman yesterday to see you on the steps of said Obradoiro exalted to the cameras was as if he had seen Christ (how insulting to believers who see the Son of God!). But do not expect any miracles, Ratzinger. Rather than say at once, "boasts Alea est", release the hatchet and forever lock yourself in your ostentatious palace in Rome, ashamed of the role as sinister and authoritarian sect represent leading the most destructive ever.
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