Monday, October 4, 2010

Due On Today Negative Test ?



My good friend Jose Antonio Delgado González informs me about the upcoming release of his second novel. Here's the review:

historical novel THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE BEGINNING, the environmentalists, researcher, essayist and writer José Antonio Delgado González (Madrid, 1972) marked a before and after in what is literature on Christianity and their origins have been written to date. Using their knowledge of Analytical Psychology and Transpersonal, deep into the Gnostic texts of the early centuries of the Christian era and along the corridors Golden underground of catena that since Christian Gnosticism, circulates through astrology, medieval alchemy and symbolism of the Tarot cards, José Antonio Delgado us into a fascinating atmosphere in which the mystery, "gnosis" and Transpersonal Psychology harmoniously come together in this amazing novel.

Juan, a former prisoner, locked up in prison after being wrongfully convicted of a crime of violence, is accepted as a disciple of the abbot of a monastery and remained for nine years under his spiritual direction. The abbot, a priest excommunicated for disagreeing with authority from the Church of Rome, was condemned to remain in the ostracism, and sent to a convent away from major cities. Here, it becomes your master and under his tutelage, John is part of the community of the Twelve, being initiated into the knowledge of the best kept secrets in the Church.

During his life as a monk, Juan learns that it is doubtful the false teaching that the Church has passed since his childhood, as if it were the ultimate truth on Earth. In addition, following further the "true gnosis, please do a deconstruction of all those false beliefs, prejudices and illusions, both formal or literal Christian religion, and society Modern as a whole, stands as the only existing reality.

BROTHERHOOD OF BEGINNING takes place in an atmosphere of philosophical questioning of everything that has been assumed, both in the family, as well as social and religious, of the prejudices about what sexuality is and brings to life the human being, etc. So that the reader will find in this historical novel is a genuine and honest search for truth, of that Truth which is beyond appearances.

One of the innovations that this work provides is that it deepens, complements and compensates for the shallowness of other books on the same theme, amplifying some issues that have been forgotten, linking issues that have been treated independently without compromising the historical and scientific rigor and, despite everything, using plain language and accessible to a lay audience.

Most likely, THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE INITIATED will be well received by those who begin to feel that emptiness and feeling of futility of life, occurring in times of existential crisis. Surely, it will be appreciated by a large group of women who face a real revolution in the field of women's consciousness, but it is also for men who are in the path of integration of his female counterpart, and all those who yearn for the realization of your being androgynous, "the connection to the divine spark that lies within the human being and, therefore, to those interested in mystical experience.

Therefore, BROTHERHOOD OF BEGINNING addresses both mental health professionals, like all forms of public worship, including philosophers and scientists who are in the path of the search Truth. Also, for those interested in starting knowledge of depth psychology, humanistic psychologists, analytical or transpersonal, historians of religion, etc., Who find a synthesis of Jungian thought and post-Jungian.

his first novel "is in the dark"

José Antonio Delgado González was born in Madrid in 1972. Degree in Environmental Science from the Universidad Europea de Madrid, in 2000 began efforts to pursue a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University Complutense of Madrid. However, decided to publish the results of his thesis in his book Return to Paradise Lost , and leaves the academic world, without a doctorate. In That same year, becomes associate member of Transpersonal Psychology Web Soul Odyssey, led by Raul Ortega. Actively involved in spreading the ideas of Analytical and Transpersonal Psychology, as well as the integration of these and the systemic paradigm. He has published essays in prestigious organizations of Psychology, as in Jung's Page American Foundation for Analytical Psychology in Argentina or in Psychiatry, in the latter in collaboration with the psychiatrist and psychotherapist Maribel Rodríguez Fernández, and in the magazine and more Soria, directed by Ángel Almazán de Gracia. is the author of Return to Paradise Lost. The renewal of a culture , published in 2004 by the Editorial Sotabur. Meetings published his novel in the dark with the Editorial Nuevosescritores at the end of 2006. In 2009 he began the Bachelor of Psychology, to engage in psychotherapy.


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