Benedict XVI, the head of the Vatican and infamous cult covering up pedophile priests, has had little shame to compare the "radical atheism" to Nazism. That said in his unsuccessful visit to the UK, trying desperately to combat secularism, attract followers and win the sympathy of the British in the darkest hour, without doubt, is living the Catholic Church in its sixteen centuries. Radical Atheism "? What does that mean? ... For radicalism of the Church throughout history. Remember the Inquisition, the Crusades, the persecution of scientists, witch hunts, the burning of books, papal infallibility, the strict dogmatic, misogyny, homophobia, etc. You can not define what has been the Church without mentioning its position always intolerant and reactionary, in addition to being den of corrupt, vicious and people of no moral (often from their own potatoes). And now is the ultra-conservative Pope, leader of the last absolute monarchy, and dares to compare atheism and Nazism. What a hypocrite! He, who enlisted in 1941 in the Hitler Youth. He is an institution gyrfalcon who signed the July 20, 1933 a concordat with the Nazi regime giving moral legitimacy and blessing to Hitler in his cruel anti-Semitic goals. Hitler himself said: "This concordat will make us beneficiaries of a trust that we will be very useful in our relentless fight against international Jewry" . If there is anything to compare then is the Church and Nazism. Does the Vatican helped escape Nazi war criminals to Latin America? Did Pius XII did not have a deep admiration for the Führer, who wanted a big win in its relentless crusade? ... Did not even have the courage to condemn the Holocaust, which is why many accuse him of complicity with the Third Reich. "The delay and the weakness of the measures taken by the Vatican must be, too, and above all, to another element: the traditional anti-Semitism of the Catholic Church and the world that had long been attributed to the Jews' evil 'of modernity and even de-Christianization of the contemporary world. Therefore, in the thirties, the Holy See condemns continued Nazi racism with a similar condemnation of anti-Jewish laws adopted by other countries. The church considered legitimate for a society to defend itself "the Jewish peril", even if discriminatory measures " says Italian journalist Giovanni Belardelli.
Benedict XVI seems to forget the fierce persecution of Jews started by the Church in Spain from 1391-which led to the creation of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in 1478 to end the Judaizing heresy ", which is easily comparable to what the Nazis did centuries later. And anti-Semitism is professed by the Church for centuries has nothing to envy to Hitler and his henchmen. Jaime Contreras, Professor of Modern History at the University of Alcalá de Henares, asks: "historical parallels can be drawn between the rejection of assimilation of Jews in pre-Inquisition time immediately before the famous expulsion of 1492, and anti-Judaism in Nazi Germany? ". The answer is obvious: YES. As proof of this sacred covenant that existed between the Church and the Nazis, let us quote the words of Bishop Buchberger of Regensburg: "The Fuehrer and the government have done all that is compatible with justice, law and the honor of our people to preserve the peace of our nation" . And also the bishop who led the Ermland Kaller of his parishioners "With God's help you will put your best efforts by the Fuehrer and the people and will do until the end of your duty to defend our beloved homeland" .
conclude with the ironic comment of the Colombian writer Fernando Vallejo in his very work The whore of Babylon (2007):
"And today, after all this, with deep theological pain that springs from the depths of his being right in Auschwitz Ratzinger question: 'Why did you let it, Lord?" Of course God exists! There has to be to hell where there is going to burn this filthy. This is my 'test Ratzinger' of the existence of God. "
"Atheism = Nazism? Haha ... We'll see how much more pronounced this pathetic nonsense father during his pastoral trip UK. Faced with such indifference that his visit has provoked in some way has to attract attention.
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