"Before I explain the facts must be checked:
thus avoiding the ridiculous to find the cause so there is no"
Pathetic. I can not find another more appropriate adjective to define the snafu Telecinco television debut last night and I announced a few weeks ago in this blog. I think even Allan Kardec, the encoder of the spiritist doctrine, would have taken the lead hands having seen such a program. In Life Beyond , the medium Anne Germain dazzled British audiences credulous and suggestion, which let go a low exchange tears every time she opened her mouth the above to convey these messages to their deceased relatives. As expected, failed to provide any evidence of his alleged contacts with the spirits, she said, fluttering the set to be near their loved ones. Nothing apart from some relevant data (almost all related to rings and photos), launched only vague statements laden with sentimentality, in true soap opera style desktop. "Your son says he loves you and is always with you" said the medium-Bordiú Carmen Martinez, who lost su hijo Francisco en un accidente de tráfico. La nieta del dictador Franco, que al principio del programa confesó tener serias dudas sobre la mediumnidad, terminó declarando al presentador Jordi González: "Yo sé que es mi hijo el que me ha hablado" . La misma credulidad mostraron Jorge Cadaval, miembro del dúo "Los Morancos", y Ramona Maneiro, compañera sentimental de Ramón Sampedro, el cual se manifestó a través de la médium para decir: "Fue muy fácil para mí partir (...) Ya no estoy preso" .
In short, a program simpleton, silly, maudlin and false, which was played for the umpteenth time with the feelings and hopes of the people, something that always so profitable for some broadcasters who live to exploit the illness until satiety.
course it would be wonderful if there was a further and that death is not an end but a transition. And it would be great if we could communicate with our deceased loved ones and reconnect with them in a life postmortem. Who not like that was possible? Everyone, even the most skeptical. But do not confuse desire with reality. Mediumistic experiences have natural explanations, if not simple fraud. The hypnotic trances, visions of alleged entities, strange voices, etc. Are phenomena related to certain psychological abnormalities. The 'altered states of consciousness "makes the subject star in a series of extraordinary visions mental level, according to their beliefs, then interpreted as a celestial event, spiritualist or extraterrestrial. On the other hand, our perceptions are not infallible. Sometimes we see things that are not, suffer optical illusions, hallucinations, hypnagogic states, we hear voices, feel the presence of someone ... There are those who suffer temporal lobe epilepsy and stars incredible visions of strange creatures that haunt him. There are also people quite likely to believe the fantasy that live in permanent contact with beings from other worlds and feel guided by them. We are therefore of subjective experiences that have their origin in the complex human psyche.
THE MEDIUM also addressed the audience
If a server believe in spirits, expect them more original and high posts, no children sermons and ridiculous as last night, which do not differ in any of the content pseudoespiritual of self-help books. At bottom, this is the same product but with different casing. The bazaar esoteric goes a long way when it comes to exploiting human credulity, and more in times of crisis. The tarot readers, astrologers, palm reader and obviously enter this blacklist, as well as mediums and self-help books, pass on to their customers (or victims) want to hear everything. "The popular spiritual gurus assure us that we are more than mortal" , says Professor Wendy Kaminer, author of several skeptical books on the subject. And one of these gurus is the medium Anne Germain, which is usually presented to an audience uncritical and fawning, eager to hear reassuring words issued from suspects 'astral planes'. It requires no scientific knowledge or the least intellectual effort. Only required to set aside the critical and skeptical doubt. And that is very simple to change if we are offered a remedy to alleviate our existential angst.
"Naturally, people try different belief systems to see if they serve. And if we are desperate, all as we become more willing to abandon what we perceive as a heavy burden of skepticism. Pseudoscience fills powerful emotional needs that science often leaves unfulfilled. Provides fantasies of personal power that we lack and long. In some of its manifestations offers a satisfaction of spiritual hunger, curing diseases, the promise that death is not the end. We confirmed our cosmic centrality and importance. Ensures that we are connected, linked to the universe. Sometimes it is a sort of halfway house between the old religion and new science, both distrust ".
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