Monday, April 26, 2010

Saske I Sekura Igrice


Last year I decided it was time to venture out and make the Madrid Marathon, I was the wrong thing to do in spite of Seville, Madrid did in 3 H 32 '.
The race went pretty well me at least the last mile I lost about 5 Minutillo.
On Sunday April 25 (Saturday's show), I decided to do it for the second consecutive year and try not to suffer in the last kilometers.
Nacho's friend as always, gave me advice on training to not get very tired after making Sevilla in February. I also asked for advice
Fernando (El de Madrid), and he said he tried to leave the House (Km 30) without having suffered a lot because there really is where the Marathon.
On Saturday I went to the Pasta Party and flipped out of the atmosphere that was there.
The race started at nine o'clock on Sunday, this year there were 15,000 people instead of 10,000 last year because they have invented to make a career of 10 km at the same time the marathon and the route of the first 4 miles.
takes 6 minutes to go through the carpet out and start the race.
can not get the rhythm of the scrum of people that is, arriving at Santiago Bernabeu, the participants of the race of 10 km, are diverted to the right.
at km 12 to 1 hour 01 ', no bad thing, follows the career and reached the half marathon in 1hr 47' then I realize it would be very hard to 3 hours was my first 30'que goal but the second goal we were trying to 3 hours 40'y suffer as little as possible in the last kilometers.
Over the media, I feel good, I've been drinking all the water stations, taking my blood sugar and even I was pouring over each water head and neck, I just missed the sunscreen on shoulders to not wear red as a lobster.
at Km 25 in 2 hours 6 ', arrived at the cottage, I remember what I said and I am trying to dispense Fernando efforts and not rate changes or anything. The race was expected
hard since we already had a couple of miles with a lot of colleagues who began walking with cramps and high temperatures.
I arrive at Km 30 with a time of 2 hours 33 'and I get very excited, because I see that I have only 12 miles and not go much of 5'x km'll do a good brand.
The atmosphere was great, the whole race of people kept encouraging, and even the police were said by the speakers that are cast back to make way for the runners. There several bands and even a group of bagpipers.
The worst is yet to come, after a good race, smooth muscle, or dehydration, or scratches, I arrive at Km 36 and uncle arrived unannounced in the deck, I run out of gasoline and walk.
try to react, but nothing in 300 or four hundred yards I have to stop walking and even with people cheering and telling me to continue.
In the last few miles was scared shitless, at least 2 or three ambulances taking people on stretchers.
the end it crashed and I show up at Target with 3 hours 46 '.
I encourage you to run it a year because the career is wonderful, but if I have to say something bad it is certainly too hard at the end of the test.
Well the important thing was to finish and I get a pretty vivid moments.
For example, in the Kilometer 24 will touch one in the back and you say, "You who are of Montequinto?, I'm from there.
Or that at 34 I find a friend I met at the table of the pasta meal.

Greetings ... ..

José Gálvez.


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